Nijimura Shuzo:I'll Wait For You

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OMG guys I'm soooo sorry for not updating>_<. I don't know how and why it slipped my mind, but I'm back. So, next is the rainbow captain aka my man<3 jkjk.
Your POV
Shuzo has been distancing himself from me this past few weeks. I have asked him why, but he always says he is just tired and busy with other things. I see that he gets really stressed as well recently. I have been stressed and upset that he is not telling me the truth about what is going on with him. I'm going to confront him and see what is really going on with him.
~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~
Shuzo's POV
I recently heard that I have to go to America for my dad. He needed to seek a real professional, which means I need to move to America. I am nervous about telling (Y/N) about the whole situation, so I don't even bother telling her. I know that she would leave me and find someone better. Someone that will hold her and show her affection. I know I can't do that while I'm in America and she is in Japan. I don't even know when I'll be back or even if I'll come back. My dad is my first priority and (Y/N) knows that. I think I know what I have to do to end her future sufferings and to give her a happier future with someone else...
Your POV
I see that Shuzo just left the principle's office. "Shuzo!" He glanced at me at shock because I jumped on him while crying. He was hesitate to hug me back, but after the shock, he wrapped his arms around me. He was sniffing my neck as if he wanted to remember my scent forever. "(Y/N), I need to tell you something important...", he said having a sad gleam in his eyes. I slowly nodddd and let go of his body. Shuzo grabbed my hand and took me to the rooftop. The rooftop is where he confessed his love to me...
Your POV
Shuzo, my best guy friend, told me to meet him at the rooftop to tell me something important. I stood at the rooftop and looked at the rest of the school students leaving school. "(Y/N), I have something to say to you." I jerked in surprise and turned around, seeing that Shuzo had a pink hue on his cheeks. I blushed of how cute he looked, but somehow he looked handsome at the same time. I paused for him to continue what he was saying. He cleared his throat a bit before saying the three words that changed how our relationship will be like.
"I love you."
~Flashback End~
Your POV
Something must be going on with Shuzo if he brought me here with him. I was worried so I asked him why he brought me here. Shuzo told me to wait until we get on the rooftop. I couldn't help wonder why he is taking me there. Before I knew it, he opened the door the the sunset hit me face. I blinked a couple of times, but I still started at Shuzo. He stopped holding my hand and faced me with his piercing gaze that never fails to get me all nervous and makes my heartbeat beat like crazy. He took a deep breath and told me that his dad needs to go to America, and how that he has to go with him. He was nervous because he couldn't stop clenching his hand. He also told me how that I could find a better guy out there for me and that we should break up. I stood still like a statue and didn't realize that I was crying until I felt Shuzo's hand wipe a tear from my cheek. I grabbed his hand and clenched his hands with my own. "Shuzo, we have been dating each other since first year of middle school. We have known each other forever. How could I forget you and go on and date someone that is not you? Of course there is a better guy out there, but I feel we compliment each other and I truly love you. I know that it is going to be hard and I don't even know if you are going to come back to Japan, but guess what, Shuzo? I am willing to wait for my true love to come to get me and sweep me off my feet. I will wait until eternity until you come back to me. Go with your father. I know how important he is to you, so go."
I hugged him, letting him know it's okay with me that he is going to America. I felt his long arms wrap tightly around me and his tears rolling on my shirt. He whispered only slightly but clearly," Thank you, (Y/N). You complete me as well. I will always love you and I'm glad that you are willing to wait for me." I smiled at him and gave him a kiss to seal our love and promise to see each other one day. I know when the time comes, he will come and get me. If you love someone, you are willing to wait for that person. And I am willing to wait for Shuzo to come to get me.
OMG thank you guys so much for all the love<3 I want to apologize for this late update>_<. Just a quick announcement. I will at least update you guys once a week so that's a promise! Im going to join so many clubs after school so that's why my schedule will be that way. Remember requests are still open! Anyways, love you guys and remember to share the love to each other! :)

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