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Please don't cry,
It's not worth your tears!
A lot of people lie,
It's been going on for years!

I know it hurts believe me I do!
Because at one point, I was more hurt than you.
But it gets better, trust me I know,
It feels so much better when you realize you're not alone.

I'll be shoulder if you need one to cry on!
I'll be you shelter if you need to hide in one!
I'll do anything just to see your smile!
Something as precious as that is worth while.

I'll always be there for you my love,
Even when you think I've thrown you out.
I'll do whatever I can to lift you up!
Because I can't take the pain whenever you pout.

I'll always be your hand to hold,
I'll be up at night to talk over the phone.
I'll be by your side until we grow old,
Just please don't cry... Because you're not alone.

A/N: this poem is dedicated to all of my friends, readers and family members. I love you all and I'll always be there for anyone when they need the help. Remember: you're too beautiful to be sad. And life's too short to let anything ruin a day that for all you know, might be your last. Live it up my optimistic friends. Let me tell you, when you smile and laugh, the joy can't possibly end.

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