Deep-Level complaining

180 18 7

Gosh this pain. It's tearing me apart.
It's draining out my life and shutting down my heart.
I'm sick if feeling this way. I'm sick of hurting like this.
The wanting to feel better and laugh, instead I just feel pissed.

I'm losing my patience but there's nothing I can do. I need a remedy to fix it. And I can't find what to do.

I need a panacea, a hope. A solution.
The magic pill to fix this hurt my mind is producing.

Built up and occupied, my stress confines me. My legs are tired of trying to run from the thing that really tries me.

I just wanna go home. And sleep it off. I need the magic pill to fix what's wrong.
I need the warm bowl of hope to run my anxiety down the drain.
I just need something. Someone. To heal this pain.

Authors Note:

So I'm guessing anyone who's read this thinks it's about some heart break or depression I'm going through. Well, this time (LOL) it's not. Not entirely at that.

To all my lady friends who struggle with their "Girl Problems" every month or whatever you wanna call it, this poem was me dying in school because of cramps. However, if you wanted to believe that this was a deep and dark depressing poem about how cruel the world is and how hurt my heart is, then you can because I won't lie-- when I was writing this, I was feeling depressed AND in pain from... You know... Yeah.. But you know how these "GP's" make you all sad or moody? Well, in writing this I was sad so that counts for something lol.

Thanks for reading!!

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