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Walks in the shadows, a chin in the air,
Hides in their brain, Swarming with care.
Won't tell you their truth, since you are unknown,
They'll hide any detail, till they feel at home.

The guardian angel of advertisment,
The anonymous giver of cheers and merriment.
This person is no one, no one to you,
This person is a mystery, to which, I have no clue.

I wonder who you are, how you talk and look like,
Because I honestly hope, to meet you in real life.
Seems laid back, calm and collected,
I wonder why mystery, is what they've selected.'s not like they are hiding,
Or getting under your skin
It's more like, they're keeping...
Details that color them, from within.

I wonder why they're so cool
Why they don't know me, but fix me, as if they're a tool
I wonder so much about this...
I wonder why they're so... Mysterious.

Dedicated to ThatNoOneBody

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