|1| Roger Waters

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"You do realize we're in public, right?" Roger said with outright disgust, stirring his now cooling cup of coffee with his index finger.

Across from Roger in the booth, your boyfriend had his arms wrapped around you, his tongue almost literally down your. Your boyfriend only pulled away to give Roger an annoyed look.

"Why'd you bring him again?" Your boyfriend spat, looking towards you. You frowned, hand mindlessly toying with the front of his shirt. "He's my best friend."

"So? He's just gonna be three wheelin' it all day."

"I hardly spend time with him anymore." You said with an annoyed look. "I spend way too much time with you, and beginning to wonder if I should regret it."

Roger merely watched as you two began to bicker. He felt something tug at his chest, something he'd been dealing with since the beginning of your relationship with this guy.

He didn't know when he finally came to terms with it, but somewhere along the way in your friendship with Roger, he felt like his feelings were more than just friendliness. He felt like even your smile was his whole world. He'd give anything to see that smile.

But, well, since this relationship, he saw less and less of that smile. When he did, it was with someone else - with him. He wasn't the one making that smile happen. So, he was a bit surprised to be invited to a diner with you. That is until he realized who was with you.

"Goddammit!" You yelled, interrupting Roger's thoughts. You shoved your boyfriend off. You got up from the booth and swiftly walked off just right outside the diner.

"Nice companionship, ya dick." Roger hiss to your boyfriend, getting up himself and following after you. Your boyfriend merely watched in the same disgusted face. Come to think of it, Roger was starting to believe that that was his actual face - gross.

"(Y/N)." Roger called out as he stepped out the diner, looking left to right. You stood to the left, your arms crossed and face almost unreadable. "(Y/N), hey." He began to near you, the wind slightly catching his hair.

"I'm fine, Rog." You mumbled, but he merely shook his head. "Just go back in and tell my boyfriend I'll talk to him later."

"I don't even know why you're with him. He's a dick."

No response. Roger paused, digging through his mind for the correct words.

"Look, I don't even know if you like him-"

"I don't even know myself!" You said, whipping your head to look directly at Roger. "I-" You shook your head, looking away. "I don't know."

"(Y/N), look." Roger placed his hand along your chin, making you look directly at him. "You might not know if you love him, you might not even know if he even loves you for you and not only for the sex, but-" Roger let out a shaky breath. "You can know that I love you."

Your eyes widen before he leaned to place his lips against yours. You were shocked - stunned even. It was merely a second later, though, that you gladly returned the kiss with a soft, shyness. It was a sweet kiss, nothing like the kisses your boyfriend gave you. You soon had to pull away, to Roger's misfortune.

"I-I'm-" Roger found himself stuttering dumbly. "Sorry, you're-"

But he was silenced with your lips meeting his. "Forget him, me and him are through." You whispered as you pulled away. "I think I found someone else."

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