|1| Ray Davies

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An awkward silence settled as the both of you neared your apartment. You shyly looked down to your feet, your cheeks heating from a warm blush.

"I, Uhm, Had a wonderful night tonight, Ray" You said softly, finally glancing up towards the man.

Ray chuckled under his breath, "I did too," the two of you staying quiet for a moment longer.

"Could we do this again sometime?" Ray broke the silence with a look of curiosity. He flashed a weak, yet determined smile.

"That sounds lovely." You said without hesitation.

"Well, I guess this is goodnight" Ray said softly. Was that a faint frown?

"Wait." You grabbed towards him.


"Uhm, Can I have a..?" You paused, hoping he'd understand.

Ray rose a brow at the hesitant question. His heart raced as he had a feeling what you were going to say.

"Can I have a goodbye kiss?"

Ray's heart sped up unbelievably. "Of course."

Ray stared at you for a moment, then took a step closer. He slowly leaned forward, placing his soft lips along yours.

The kiss was simple, but it felt like so much more.

Ray moved closer, his body pressed against yours. The kiss was tender yet sweet and not too rough. It was your first kiss with him after all. You didn't want it to turn for the worse.

And of course it didn't.

After a moment later, Ray was the one to pull away, staring at you with eyes half lidded. You simply smiled.

"Goodnight" Ray whispered, placing another kiss along your lips.

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