Falling in Love isn't Easy Chapter 1

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It feels horrible when you find out the guy you've loved for months is a total jerk. But reasonably, you will never be able to force him to love you, as much as you would want to, and it wouldn't be really him loving you. You can't change how he is, the way he acts, how he speaks, the way he treats you. Still, the advice my friends gave me was just to ignore him. I see him walking one way, I walk the other way. He talks to me, I just have to nod and walk away. But Its not that easy when suddenly, out of nowhere, he starts being nice to me, smiling at me when we cross paths in the corridor, or maybe when I joke around in class he just starts laughing along with everyone else! How am I supposed to get over him?


“Hey Bitch!” Said my best friend, Tessa, sitting down beside me in our first class.


“You okay Kayla?” She said nudging me with her elbow in the ribs. “You look as if youve just seen a ghost..”

“Well, he might as well be a ghost..”


“Please don't judge me but..”

“But what? The iceberg is melting over here!”

“Its a bit stupid but, um.. I think. Uh! I wish I didn´t but..”

“Stop muttering and talk! I'm your best friend! You should be able to trust me!”

“Okay.. Well um, the thing is, I think that Ive never stopped having my gigantic crush on Kyle.”



“Well, I kind of noticed it!”

“What? Was I that obvious!” I could feel my face heating up.

“No! But I'm your best friend! I know you!”

“Oh shit! Do you think everyone noticed?”

“No! Well, at least I don't thinks so. You don't talk with anyone except me. No offense!

“Oh no! Now he must know and, no! I'm so screwed!”

“Would you please explain what's happening?”

“Well, I have been talking to him quite a lot! Do you think he noticed?”

“I don-”

“Sometimes I feel as if he actually likes me so I get all hyper and go on talking!”

“Did he seem interested in you're crazy talk?”

“Yeah, sometimes. But sometimes the message I got from the look on his face was that he was just teasing me!”

“You might still like him but I still think he is a total and complete jerk! He lead you on till you were practically drooling over him in class, and then he just started treating you like shit! What is that supposed to mean?”

“Calm down! I'm just going to see where it goes!”

“I'm telling you not to do this! Last time he just broke your heart!”

“But It won't be like that this time!”

“Tell me how? How has he changed!”

“Look, promise you won't tell anyone this okey?”

“Why and who would I tell it to?” She said that with a smile and we both started laughing. At that our Science teacher started staring at us. We both looked up at her and that just made it worse! I couldn't stop laughing! Her big saggy arms. The way she put them on her hips when she was trying to make us stop doing something with a warning look, that obviously didn't work. With her stares came the classes stares, Kevins stare. Thats when we both stopped laughing, and by the look on Tessa's face I was blushing, and badly.

Hey! I know chapter 1 is a bit short but its my first chapter! Start reaing chapter 2!

Falling in Love isn't EasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora