Falling in Love isn't Easy Chapter 4

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The moment he said that I froze. What could I tell him? I liked him, and he was the only person in this school who was nice to me but.. Before I could say anything the final bell rang. Finnally! It was friday!

Nick stood up grabbed his books and before leaving said:

“See you tomorrow then? The starbucks near school right? 4pm? Oh wait! We've  got detention...”

I answered him with a smile. He smiled back. I thought I was about to faint. How could someone be so nice and so beautiful at the same time? As he walked away I couldn't help but stare at his back. I knew it was weird but, everything about him was so... Amazing.


The wierdest thing was... I was excited to go to detention. I was also kind of nervous. Should I sit beside him? Shoulsd I talk? Do I say hi again? I s he even going to go? No. I was over reacting. I shouldn't think about things like this. I never had. Since when had I become so insecure? As I walked, practically skipped, down the hallway I felt as if someone was wasfrying my stomach inside my belly. What if he thinks I'm stupid? When if I'm too cligy? Stop. I thought to myself. I had to get distracted. Detention was on the first floor two classess away from my class, so it was in my locker area. Before getting there I went to my locker, unlocked it and started rumaging through the baled up papers and folders. I should organize it sometime, it was starting to look like my brothers room, and that wasn't good.

“Aha!“ I whispered to myself when I found my cellphone. I was going to need some distraction in detention. I closed the door to my locker and turned left.

I gasped. There was that stupid little smile plastered all over his face.

“Sorry,“ he said laughing,“didn´t mean to scare you..“ I hit him in the arm.

“Yeah right.“ I said which made him laugh. He had a perfect laugh.


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