Chapter 3: A Vacation from the Soulless.

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Our lips made an odd noise as he abruptly pulled away, gasping. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I'm so sorry."

"Was...nice." It was very nice, if I do say so myself.

"Will I turn?"

"Won't...hurt you. Only bite...makes you...dead." I've bitten enough people before to know that. A faint brush over somebody's skin or an exchange of spit doesn't kill them. There have been lots of people who have gotten away from my attacks before, some where I tried to bite their lips off, but all I did was get spit on them. Gross I know, but can you blame me? I'm a monster. Everything about me is gross. It's natural, isn't it? But anyway, they lived. I'd even seen a few of my almost-victims before.

I felt him shift in the darkness. "Hypothetically. And I mean, this is totally hypothetical here. If I had sex with you, would it turn me?"

Okay, this time I did laugh. It was such a weird question, I couldn't help it. Why would he want to have sex with me? I was a dead man. He was hot, he could have anyone he wanted. An alive person, for starters. I may not be smart and my brain may be partially useless, but even I can see how much of an idiot he is. I couldn't understand why he trusted me so much already.

"That sounded really stupid. I admit that. Don't laugh at me, it makes me feel bad." But he was laughing too, so I didn't stop. I haven't laughed in awhile. Not since James last cracked a joke. That was a really long time ago.

"Sex...with me? Sex with r-rock better."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. I shouldn't have asked. I mean, I just met you and I've already kissed you. I have no clue how to take it slow," he laughed. I wanted to say I didn't care how slow or fast we went. I wanted to also say I didn't mind doing the do. He's hot and I'm a gross creature from hell, I'd be considered lucky if one of those corpse chicks even looked at me. This is a gift from god.

But of course my body did the only response it could successfully do without making an idiot out of myself. I shrugged.

"Stop shrugging!" He whined, hitting me on the shoulder again. "Tell me what you want to say. And don't feel like you have to go fast when you talk. I just want to understand you. You don't have to be good at it, god knows I'm not."

Right. Well, it didn't hurt to try.

I sucked a breath in through my teeth and slowly made out my sentence. "Don't slow...or fast. Don't mind...if you w-want do t-that. you."

He lit up at my words, so I guess he understood them. He looked down at his hands as blush began to creep up his cheeks. "So. You'd be okay if we did it? Because...I haven't gotten any in awhile. The camp is strictly against sex because we're overpopulated. Plus, I don't know. Doing it with a dead person seems...endearing." He looked up at me for a response, but all I could do was stare with my mouth partially open.

Oh my god. I don't know if I should be completely ecstatic or weirded out. I mean, isn't this necrophilia or something? And wait a second, why should I be the one who's weirded out? He's the person who just admitted he wanted to have sex with a flesh eating monster. I don't understand why he'd want anything to do with me in that way.

Maybe I did. The world had ended long ago and there was only so many things left to enjoy.

"" I don't even have time to clean up. I guess I'm as clean as I can get, I took a shower and scrubbed every inch of myself. I should be good. Right?

He shrugged and looked down at his hands, the blush in his cheeks growing scarlet. "It's...whatever's good for you, Tom."

ᒪIᐯIᑎG & D⃒Y⃒I⃒N⃒G⃒Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora