Chapter 4: Tugs on my Heart.

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"That. Is the CUTEST LOVE STORY EVER!" Sonja squealed loudly.

Tucker only rolled his eyes. "Really cliche if you ask me. A corpse and a human falling in love."

I've never wanted to eat somebody so badly in my entire life. When Tucker's eyes landed on me again, I licked my lips and grinned, making his eyes widen and dart back down to his lunch. I should've never gave him that stupid can of peaches, I could've given it to Jordan instead. God knows he was more deserving of it.

"Shut up," Jordan snapped. "I'm happy. You should be happy too. You're the one who told me I needed to get out and find someone." He scooted closer to me and slipped his hand into mine. He's been really affectionate ever since we came back to the hotel room. I guess it's because of the whole I love you thing.

"Yeah, a human. Not a monster who eats people."

A low growl erupted in my throat, making Tucker scoot another few feet away from me. Jordan rubbed my arm as a message for me to calm down. He's probably worried I'm gonna sat the guy. I want to eat him, if Jordan wasn't in the room I probably would.

"Shut up Tucker. He's not a monster. He's sweet." Sonja smiled at me affectionately from her spot in the floor. I honestly don't understand why she's a soldier, she's got a heart of gold and she's funny as hell. Maybe she was forced like Jordan was. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened.

"" I appreciate that someone doesn't think I'm a monster.

"Look, it's nice that you're happy and everything, but you know captains never gonna let him in the camp. He'll be lucky if he gets within a mile of it before getting shot in the head." He stabbed his fork into the can of peaches I gave him. I want to stab him in the neck with it.

"What if I don't want to go back to the camp?" Jordan asked defiantly. Aw, he wants to stay with me. That's a comforting thought. I smiled at him and he returned the same smile, blushing.

Tucker only scoffed. "Don't you want to live? If you stay here you'll be dead within the week."

Jordan was starting to get majorly pissed too. "Not if Tom protects me. And he's been doing a hell of a job so far."

"Yeah, coating you in the blood of his victims. That's real protective of him Jordan."

Okay, that made me angry. Who does he think he is? God? It's not like I can help what I am. I would trade places him I a second. Actually no, I wouldn't trade places because at least I'm not an asshole. I may be dead, but I'm way more of a better person than he is.

"I wouldn't...h-hurt...Jor-"

"Shut up fleshy, the living are talking." Tuckers glare looked as if it could kill, but I was sure my own would definitely send off the signal that I'm going to eat him first chance I get.

"Tucker that's not-" Sonja started, but the asshole interrupted her.

"Why are you all pretending he's not a monster? You've seen what things like him do. They eat the people we love. Are you just gonna ignore that? Screwing a flesh eating monster is one of the most messed up things I've ever seen. What the hell is wrong with you Jordan?"

"YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" I growled. Did I break my syllable record again? Damn, I'm on fire today.

Everyone's heads snapped to me. That didn't cool down my temper though. I don't care if he insulted me, but when he insulted Jordan I wanted to rip his head off and eat his brains out.

" good. Leave him...alone. I know...I'm a...m-monster. I keep...him safe. Love...him."

"Yeah Tucker. Leave him alone, he's in love." Sonja stuck her tongue out at him. He returned the favor by giving her the bird.

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