Chapter 7: Hello Again.

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"I swear to god I heard it."

I know he heard it, because I heard it too. My heart. Every few hours, it would beat. It was a weird feeling, having blood rush up your arms and legs again. It was a warm and pleasant feeling.

"What do you think it means?" He whispered as he traced a finger down my chest.

I shrugged. I don't know what it means. Maybe it was because of all the running I've been doing. Maybe my body was trying to function again.

It's sort of failing miserably.

"Well I think it means you're curing yourself."
I laughed a raspy and dry laugh. Curing myself? There is no cure. I'm sure someone would've figured it out by now.

"Don't laugh at me! Why else would your heart be doing this?"


He sighed. "Whatever...I just love the sound of it. How does it feel to have blood running through you again?"

"Feels...weird. W-Warm."

He took my hand and pressed it against his face. I watched a smile form on his face as he closed his eyes and sighed blissfully. "You have soft skin Tom..." His stubble was tickling my hand and I laughed a little. He tried to take my other hand, but I pulled it away. I still have the huge chunk taken out of it from when I bit myself. I don't want him to see that. It's not healing, but nothing ever does on my body. If blood doesn't pump regularly, then I guess it doesn't heal my skin.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried.


"It's okay. Just let me see." He took it again, and I let him look at it.

He made a sad face when he saw it. "This is from a few days ago isn't it? At the mall? You know you didn't have to do that. I'm sure I would've been fine."

" safe."

"Cheese ball..." he muttered with a smile. He put my bad hand on his other cheek and closed his eyes again. He looks so peaceful and vulnerable right now. So sleepy and tired.
I can't help my instincts. And once again, I ended up with my lips pressed against his neck, smelling his scent in like it was a fine chocolate. He didn't move, just like before. I could hear his breath hitching and getting shorter.

I'm sorry. I just can't help myself. He's so intoxicating. So innocent and addicting.

"Tom..." he breathed.

I let my teeth ever so slightly skim across his skin. I could bite him and kill him right now. Every past memory of the living that I've eaten screams at me to do it.

But something much more powerful than that begs me not to. Protect him, they tell me. Keep him safe. Be there for him when no one else is. He loves you and you love him too. Don't slaughter him like you have so many others. He's different. Don't do this.

And I didn't. I gave a gentle kiss right under his jawline instead.

"Tom you seriously need to stop doing heart is racing." He breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Can' You smell...good." You smell amazing.

"What do I smell like? Vanilla? Candy?"

"No...hard to...explain." You're skin smells like memories, and that's why we want it so much. We want to feel alive again. We want to be you. And since we can't ever be that again, we do the next big thing. We eat you, and hope we get your memories and your life.

But that's never what happens.

We get one moment of feeling alive again, and then it's over. We see a field of green and a sky full of sunshine, and then reality comes back. And then the hunger is still there. We crave you even more. It never stops. It never stops growing.

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