One Hell Of A Workload

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3rd Person pov

After an eventful day, you were grateful for the lovely room the master gave you. He's cold, but much better than.. You stopped yourself from thinking about your previous master, replacing those thoughts with questions you had about Sebastian. I wonder what he could be hiding from me. You pondered the various possibilities, before falling into a dreamless sleep.

"(yn), if you were listening yesterday, you would have been awake ten minutes ago." Sebastian called into your room, obviously annoyed. You jumped out of bed, rushing around in a panic.

"Sorry I'm so sorry! Is the master angry?" You wailed in a worried voice.

"No, the master isn't even awake." He stated calmly. "But starting work at 7 o'clock sharp is mandatory. This is the first time so you are excused, but please remember for future reference." You sighed, exasperated. This is going to take a long while to get used to.

"Go to the kitchen, the other servants will greet you there." Sebastian continued in the same manner. After he left and you finished dressing, you quickly dashed down to the kitchen, making many wrong turns along the way.

"Oh hello! My, you're pretty, are you the new maid?" the blonde, boyish looking one said.

"Yeah Finnie she's a right peach, yes she is." replied a maid with large glasses.

"I wonder if she can cook? Little lady, are you a chef like me?" questioned the man with the cigarette. Slightly overwhelmed, you bowed slightly before quietly stating;

"Nice to meet all of you, I'm (yn) (ln), the maid master hired. It'll be lovely to work with all of you." As you leaned back up, the three of them were quiet a moment.

"That.. Was absolutely adorable! Oh I see why he picked you, how cute!!" Finnie exclaimed, Mae Rin nodded vigorously, and Baldroy smiled slightly.

"I'm Finnie by the way" he continued in a calmer voice.

"I'm Mae Rin, nice to meet ya" said the maid.

"Baldroy, at your service" the cook introduced.

After some conversation, Sebastian joined you all, carrying a list of responsibilities for you. This is going to be hard, isn't it. You thought with an internal sigh.

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