One Hell Of A Week

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Reader pov

Sebastian has been on my case all week. Every time I'm doing something he's always watching, I can feel his gaze. If I slip up ever so slightly, he is immediately there to scold me. What have I done to get on his blacklist? [do you see my joke? No? Okay..] I'm really starting to get fed up with him.

As I began sweeping the main hall, the dustpan slipped from my grasp, making a loud echo. Once again, Sebastian appeared, his emotionless expression unchanged.

"Honestly, I know you're new but.." Fuming, I interrupted his speech.

"Why are you always on my tail? I can't even have one little mishap without you immediately shaming me! I'm grateful for the work, really. But do you have to stalk my every mistake?!" I tried not to yell, but my voice got loud. Sebastian had a slightly shocked look on his face. Before I could apologize, I was slammed into a wall.

"Don't tempt me, miss (yn)." His silky voice was unwavering, though he had me pinned. "Your anger is lovely, but lose your temper around here, and I'll have to overlook that." Though his voice stayed soft, I felt the threat behind his words. My cheeks heating, I nodded quickly.

"S-sorry Sebastian, I'll stay level headed." I squeaked. He stepped back, his emotionless smirk returning.

"Wonderful. This never happened, and will never happen again. Am I clear?" He spoke, the threatening tone rising again.

"Crystal." I replied, once again calm.

He didn't bother me as much for the rest of the week, but I still felt those eyes, watching.

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