Chapter 4 •Second Great River•

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As Hinata and I were walking towards the second river I kept my guard up waiting for the first river's dangerous attack. However, the river was too quiet and clam,
"Is that it ? Was the fog the only trap in the first river ?" I asked with a disappointment,
"I don't know...maybe the first river is the flower river" Hinata said while walking behind me,
"The flower river ?" I asked,
"Yes, it is said, that a river full of flowers is the peaceful river among the other three harmful rivers, but I don't see any flowers here, then again, I can't see anything here because of the fog" Hinata explained,
"How disappointing, I expected the rivers to be more dangerous" I complained,
"U-uh..I on the other hand am thankful that--" just before Hinata could continue, we heard a rustling in the bushes and then everything went quiet,
"What was that.." Hinata whispered and I placed my hand on my sword getting ready for what is to come,
"Maybe it was the wind ? It's quiet now" Hinata said,
"It's the silence before the storm" I said while activating my sharingan, I scanned the foggy forest starting from right to left, as I reached the end of the left side I got a glimpse of six yellow glowing eyes,
"Hinata, stay back" I said getting ready,
"I'm not going to sit back and let you protect me, Byakugan!" Hinata activated her Byakugan getting ready to fight,
"Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to get in my way, if you do, I'll cut you down" I said while looking for the six yellow eyes,
"I won't get in your way, I'm not as weak as I used to be" not backing down Hinata with her eyes started targeting the hidden creature as well. Back to back, me and Hinata stood waiting ready for what's hiding in the bushes, then, without any warning, something jumped out of the bushes sending strong air with it,
"Ah!" Hinata exclaimed while putting her hands in front of her face protecting it from the wind and I did the same, when the wind stopped I looked in front of me to find a three headed wolfs with yellow eyes,
"Heh, finally some excitement" I smirked as I charged releasing my sword, however, the beast defended all my attacks with his fast heads, whenever I try to strike with my sword he would either defend it with his loud growl sending strong air reflecting my attack or biting my sword with their sharp teeth almost breaking it. The beast is not just defending all of my attacks his skin is also as hard as a rock, how can I defeat him ? Chidori ? No his skin is stronger...then should I attack more until I find his weakness, I thought to myself getting ready to attack again,
"Sasuke !" I heard Hinata call me, ignoring her I charged at the beast again, however, this time the beast jumped at me and aiming at me with his claws I tried defending his attack with my sword but instead he sent it flying away from me, I jumped back away from the beast but my sword was far behind the beast that was getting ready to attack,
"S-Sasuke just listen to me !!" Surprised I turned around to Hinata, who has never raised her voice before, and saw her cheeks turning pink,
"What is it, Hinata ?" I asked the shy girl who would always talk in a low voice,
"I have a plan" she looked at me after gathering her courage,
"This is no time for games, princess, if we make one wrong move we'll both die" I said with a sigh, she's never faced real danger since she's the leader of the Hyuga clan's daughter, she's just a spoiled brat unlike me and my brother, we were always out helping others who are in danger....though, I feel like I'm forgetting something..,
"Please Sasuke, trust me..I have a plan to save us both" Hinata said looking straight into my eyes,
"Trust you ? Why should I trust you when it's the Hyuga clan who betrayed us ?!" I said with frustration,
"S-Sasuke! Don't say that ! We don't know what really happened" Hinata said objecting,
"Stop wasting my time or we'll both be this beast's dinner" I turned around and started to walk towards the beast when I suddenly feel a soft and warm hand gently grabbing my arm, surprised I turn around to find Hinata looking at me with confidence in her eyes,
"Sasuke.....I trust you with my life, if I end up being in the way then just kill me"  looking at her unwavering eyes and her unshakable voice I couldn't do anything but to surrender to her confidence,
"Fine, what's your plan princess ?" I asked with a sigh,
"With my Byakugan I saw his weakest chakra point which is in the middle under the middle head, but we won't be able to get a clean shot because of his defenses, so I need you to attack his eyes making him blind and that's when I'll attack his chakra point" Hinata explained,
"That...might actually work, alright I'm going" I turned towards the three headed beast and skillfully retrieved my sword, then I drew my sword while running and jumping on the trees slashing my sword into the beast's eyes blinding him, I continued to the same to the other heads and when I blinded all of their eyes Hinata attacked the beast's weakest chakra point and the beast fell down with all of his three heads,
"I guess you're not just a spoiled brat, that was a very good plan I'll admit it, but...I still don't trust you" I said turning to face her,
"T-Thank you, but it's all because......" Hinata stopped talking midway and looked down as if she's thinking,
"Because..what ?" I asked,
"Because......I-i don't remember....." Hinata said while trying to remember,
"It doesn't matter let's just go, how far until we reach the second River ?" I asked walking ahead of her and passed the beast,
"R-right, hmmm...oh, we should be close by now" Just as Hinata was checking the map I saw a river with purple, white, and red flowers all around it and a boat laying on the shore,
"We're here" I said while walking towards the boat,
"'s so beautiful...." Hinata gasped at the beautiful sight, I turned around to see if there are any warning signs and that's when I saw the flowers reflected in Hinata's eyes, for a moment I couldn't look away but then I got back to my senses and turned around,
"..what the hell is wrong with me.." I mumbled,
"Hinata I'm leaving!" I said while walking faster towards the boat,
"Wait S-Sasuke ! There's a sign" Hinata called out to me,
"What does it say ?" I asked without turning around,
"It just says one word.....Mnemosyne" Hinata said while catching up to me,
"Mnemosyne ? What is that ?" I asked while we both got on the boat,
"Well, Mnemosyne is the name of the Muses mother and Zeus's wife" Hinata explained,
"And what does that have to do with the river ?" I asked,
"Hmm...well this must be the peaceful River since it's full of flowers..I hope it is" Hinata said while we both started rowing,
"But.." Hinata suddenly said as if she remembered something,
"Mnemosyne also means memories"
"Memories ?" I asked,
"Since this is the peaceful River....we might be recalling some of our memories....but not the important ones...because of the poisonous fog we won't be able to remember one important memory..." solving the riddle Hinata and I continued to row the boat through the Second Great River.

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