Chapter 5 •memories• Part 1

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When I was 9 years old the leader of the Hyuga Clan, who is also my father, used to always complain about my lack of strength and how I'm not strong enough to be the next leader. One day I sneaked out of the house to get some breather from all the complaints and headed to the small river that separated the Hyuga Clan and the Uchiha Clan. Nobody  goes to that river because of how it's close to the Uchiha Clan, so they avoid it fearing any contact with them, they even started telling us children scary stories about that river so we would never go near it, but that is why it is the perfect place for a good quite rest from my father's complaints.
"It's..a little too dark.." I whispered as I sat on a rock near the river while watching the moon's reflection on the running water,
"...why am I weak...if only I could be as strong as my cousin Neji then my father would be proud of me.." I sighed while speaking to the reflected moon on the river,
"Rustle, rustle" I suddenly hear the bushes on the other side of the river rustling,
"...W-who's there..?" I asked with my voice trembling and then out of the bushes a shadow jumped out screaming "Boo!",
"Ahhhhh" I screamed falling off the rock and into the not so deep river,
"Hahaha! You should've seen your face!" I looked up to see a kid with dark hair and black eyes laughing mischievously,
"Hey...that wasn't very nice.." I pouted,
"Haha...sorry, sorry...." He reached out his hand offering me his help with a smile and I smiled back grabbing his hand and then instead of getting up I pulled him down and into the river he fell next to me,
"Hahaha! Pay back" I laughed mischievously forgetting about my worries,
"...hey..that's not nice.." He pouted jokingly and then he stood up, standing on one of the  rocks that were in the river and so did I,
"What's your name, kid ?" He asked and I took a deep breath and looked at him without showing fear in my eyes,
"My name is Hinata Hyuga" I answered knowing fully that the boy who is standing in front of me could be a Uchiha, an enemy,
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha" he replied with a smile which surprised me, that's not the reaction I expected, as if knowing what's going through my mind Susuke interrupted my thoughts,
"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you" he smiled warmly and I started to let my guard down,
"What brings you here, to the river that separates us enemies ?" I asked by being cautious,
"Enemies ? Why are we enemies ?" He smiled while asking and continued,
"But I could ask you the same thing, if you believe that we are enemies then what brings you here ?" I looked down searching for the right words to say,
"But then again, I already know the answer" interrupting my thoughts again I looked at him with surprise,
"And how do you know the answer ?" I asked,
"That's because I've been here the whole time, listening to you talking to your reflection" Sasuke was listening to me talking to my self ! I gasped and looked down with embarrassment,
"So, you want to get stronger ?" He asked and I nodded still looking down,
"Then you can count on me! I'll make you stronger" he smiled at me with confidence,
"You'll make me stronger? But how ?" I asked as I slowly raised my head and looked straight at him with hope growing inside of me,
"I'm the best in martial arts, I'll train you every day so you can become stronger" Sasuke looked confident that I couldn't complain,
"Why are you helping me ?" I asked looking confused,
"Well, that's because my brother has always believed that the Uchiha and the Hyuga clan are not enemies and I'm starting to believe that it is true, I want to find peace just like my brother, Itachi" Sasuke said confidently and I started to believe that peace is an option, he came closer and patted my head asking me one more question,
"Hinata, do you trust me ?" Sasuke asked with a warm smile,
"P-please make me stronger! "I mastered all my courage and decided to trust him. "Sasuke..?" I slowly opened my eyes to see Sasuke sleeping quietly in front of me,
"A dream of the past...?" I whispered to my self,
"...that's I remember...what I was going to say,'s all thanks to you, I became stronger because you helped me.." I smiled remembering how I helped defeating the three headed beast, I drift back to sleep as I relax on the peaceful boat.


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