Jordan Vasquez view

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May I introduce myself. My name is jordan Vasquez. Im 6,7. When i was living in florida i went by the name tuggs. My mom also calls me that. I have grey eyes. They change colors. Blue when im calm and relaxed. Green for when im irritated or mad. Hazel when im very happy. Grey is just normal i have no mood. I like girls who can hoop for instants like Suesue. I see us as friends right now. She the cool type of friend. So my first day of school was cool i guess. I was like who is this girl in front of me. She was getting ready for basketball tryouts with suesue and she look at me and smile and drunk some gatorade and walk away. So i followed her.

Meeting Karmyn Cortez

Jordan: hey hold up girl.

Karmyn: yeah your umm jordan right?

Jordan: yeahh. But call me tuggz.

karmyn: well hi tuggz you making waste time i have try outs in a few.

Jordan: well can i get your number?

Karmyn: sure.

Jordan: im text you ok?

karmyn: ok.

So i got karmyn number. All i know is some guys came up too me and acting like they knew me. Saying i should join the basket ball team and try outs tomorrow and how they are looking for a new captin. I mean im down but like dang can they get my name.
Tuggz!! I hear the name tuggz like damn stuff spread here fast. TUGGZ!. I turn around its my bestfriend Santino who i went to school with since elementary thru middle school.

Tuggz: Hey Whats up tino.

TINO: Bro how you been? When you decided to move here?

Tuggz: bro like two weeks ago we just got all our shit from florida couple days ago.

TINO: Thats Cool Thats Cool Bruh. So basketball tryouts tomorrow join the team for captin or co captin. I need some compention on the court meaning more players who can shoot some niggas out. You drove?

Tuggz: No i rode with some girl name suesue

Tino: Oh suesue? thats sis. Your dating her or something?

Tuggz: nah i live next door to her. I want that girl Karmynn

Tino: oh you want chi good luck with her bro.

Tuggz: oh thats her name chi whats up?

tino: bro just know she a hand fool ,i use to fuck with her. I mean aint nothing wrong with her she just cry whine too much. And want shit done her way.

Tuggz: oh fucks no . Not this guy.

tino: bro just let sueesuee know u coming with me . You need to go shopping for basketball season. We only getting dressed up for games.

Tuggz: alright bro be back.

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