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Okay yall this the plannn. Chi and sueesuee are going to ride with eachother. If the guy see 2 girls looking good and the same and shit then yeahh ok. Deal.

Tuggz:Bestfriend ima protect you no matter what. Now get away before i get mad again. Chi be safe my dear.

Chi:Mk papi i will

Sueesuee:Really chi. No sexual shit at this time.

Chi:Are you jealous. That tuggz is mines💁.

Sueesuee:Get in the car dude.

Im in the car riding to the gas station. Chi real deal upsetted me so i put my shades one and shit. Real deal pissed. So i punched my gas too 80 on a 50 mph street i took my foot off the gas and i hear chi like damn what the fuck are we doing. Chi phone starts ringing and shit.


Tuggz:Why is she going soo fast?

Chi:i dont know.

Tuggz:Lemme speak to her.

Chi:ugh. Here.

Sueesuee-who is it.

Chi-tuggz .

Suesue: what tuggz

Tuggs: calm down ma. Its okay.

Ikno i didnt just hear tuggz called sueesuee ma. Im getting fed up with this bitch. First this bitch takes captin from me. Then this bitch got better cars and house better than mines. Now she trying to steal tuggz away from me oh hell no.

I threw the phone in chi lap. One thing i hate is when somebody tells me to calm down when im mad. I hate that but anyways i pulled up to the gas station and there was that man sitting on his car. I need snacks anyways soo i took my keys this time. Who knows what chi might pull. We both gets out still looking good. I look back and there was tuggz and tino at the other end by the door. So we fix ourself. Then we started walking in together. Grab a whole bunch of shit. Paid for it. Walks out and the man and his friend stops us.

Man: well well we meet again. You know i really need to know where you live at. So i can come thru swing by u know what you think kenny.

Kenny:both houses shit the both can take the dick.

I looks down and i see my phone ringing and it tuggz i look over but i couldnt see . i tinned the damn windows. He text me lets go. We started walking away when i got in the car . i sat and thought. Then i got out went to the trunk nd there was a 45 ruger in the car. I closed it . got back in put my seat belt on. Started the car and drove out the gas station.

Sueesuee:tell tuggz to meet me at the 7 eleven and keep up.

Chi: he said ok.

Sueesuee driving a little to fast for me. Im scared for my life. I looks back and them guys was on our asses. So then i yelled punch it. And i dont see tuggz. Sueesuee look in her mirror and didnt see tuggz press on the brakes and we spinned around 6 times .

Tuggz: what the fuck is sueesuee doing yo.

Tino; i dont know but hurry up .

Tuggz:bro here car spun like 6 times bro. My bestfriend cannot die tonight.

Tino:damn what about chi?

Tuggz: her either.


Sueesuee: What?

Bro pull over . we just gotta fight.

Seven eleven was right there. The one i was at earlier. I pulls in. I got out the car went in and told the worker to call the police again. This time chi was with me. Soon enough thoes men had came on the parking lot. So the man comes up. Im started to get worried about tuggz and tino they werent nowhere to be found.

Sueesuee: chi we gotta fight now

Chi: i said that earlier.

Im so tired of that bitch like for real. Because like she just ugh. I dont know what tuggz was thinking about talking to her and shit. But whatever. Anyways we goes back outside still no sign from the boys. But soon enough the males from the gas station came and covered my mouth so i wouldnt scream. I bite his finger. Soon enough i felt a sharp sting in my side. Like that bitch had cutt me or something. Im laying on the ground yelling out chi name all i know is that i see her stood over me and that all i remeber.

Tino: where is sueesuee?

Tuggz went to go find chi and i went to get sueesuee i couldnt find her anywhere. I walk to the side of the building i see the man had her on the side dragging her. So i ran inside the store and told the worker to call the police ran back out pop sueesuee trunk and got that gun out i was about to pistol whoop him. Ran back to the side and he just standing over her i hit him hard with it. He didnt see me . i pick up sueesuee put her in the car. Put the gun back in her trunk. Im trying my best to shake sueesuee.

Tino:Sueesuee you have to wake upp. Just wake up. You're going to make it... Just please wakee uppp. Suee suee.

*cough cough*

Sueesuee: owww tinoo it hurts.

Im glad the ambulance came in time to help sue because she was loosing too much blood. I had blood everywhere on me. My hands clothes My face.
Officers thought i did this too sue so they put me in the police car. I didnt care either all i was caring bout was she okay.

They stitch me up pretty good. When i got out the ambulance because i refuse to be at the hospital. Reporters rush too me so was tuggz and chi. I wasnt trying to hear nothing i was looking for tino ass.

Chi/Tuggz:Are you okay ??

Sueesuee:wheres tino?

Tuggz:Police station.

Reporters: is there anything you wanna say

Reporter2: Arent you the captin of the basketball team?

Reporter3: Do you think your basketball career is over?.

I just walked my way out and got in my car and drove to the police station. All i can do is cry. Like why did i go back and try to fight that man. Man my mind in so many places at oncee. I gets a text from tuggz i just completely ignored him i was going to get tino. Like even tho i wasnt into him like that he was becoming like a close friend of mines.

Man i really hope sueesuee is okay. Man like i be good if i knew she going to be alright. I put my head down for a hot second. The lifts up. It was sueesuee. She came and hug me so tight.

Sueesuee: come on lets go home.

Im driving tino home and im holding his hands . he rescued me. Even when that bitch chi left me. Tuggz idont know where he was so fuck him too.

Sueeuee: You Can come home with me i dont bite and plus i just dont wanna be alone.

Tino: we got school tomorrow and its 12:am. ....... But sure i come over. I need to get my bag for tryouts.


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