Tino And Tuggz

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TINO: so you actually stay by suesue?

Tuggz: yeah i do.whats up bruhh.

TINO: ive been liking suesue for the longest.

Tuggz: have you told her?

TINO: nawh. I just thought she never date me how i act towards other people. Tuggz you know im an asshole to people. But Suesue. She see me being jerks to people and she wont talk to me for a week. Then she come speak to me ..

Tuggz: well that tell you right there she dont want that type of boyfriend thats mean to other people.

tino: yeah . But shit thats how my character is. Being a class clown who still manages to get good grades.

Tuggz: yeah i know what you mean. I mean if u cant change a little character for a girl u like either she not made for you or not ready too grow up. Look i was in your shoes and i had to grow up.once you and dice and picao left .

tino: picao goes to a school we play aginst. He is our rivalry team. Dice smh . That guy has a baby on the way. He plays for the same team picao do. He dont care that he has a baby on the way. He to worried about basketball.

Tuggz: so wait all yall live here? I was just the motherfucker that was missing. So how do they act towards you.

tino: well i saw your dad . I talk him to letting you come up here with us. He didnt know we lived here he knew that we need to be together. Besides i was down at one point . I went to to your dad not knowing it was him. Ask him put me on the game. He pulled me aside was like tino no. Your life is valuable. He gave me so money and said if you need it come back . Ever since then i change my life before it changed. And picao and dice they speak we joke and we just realise that your missing so we just end it off with a smile and say later. Picao and dice close as fuck.Now like it was me and dice usually the ones that stayed together and it was you and picao always together because of his sister.

Tuggz: man that shit crazy im glad you did, but look sueesuee reminds me of his sister. Like she give me that vibe suelynn ones did when we were younger. But anyways when we play our game with them its going to be an exciting game.

tino: i always thought that about sueesuee. But i thought i was tripping. hey our first game. Next week.

Tuggz: we got this.

tino: So Tuggz u need the these sweats suits u need 20 outfits. Axe soap before the game and whatever soap you use after. We celebrate even if we loose. You need three pairs of shorts. I placed an order for your jersey i knew you were coming. My mans tuggz vasquez. Black towels water bottles gatorade and extra pair of shoes.

Tuggz: i be glad when i get a girlfriend so she can fixx my bag for me ..

tino: I Kno right.

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