Chapter 8

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Last night was the worst night ever. I felt like Jace ripped off my heart with his bear hands. I haven't felt like that in years, at first I wanted to be alone and cry my heart out then I wished there was no tomorrow but in the end I coudn't breathe I felt like the tears were in my launhgs and kept the air inside me. How could Jace make this to me, he had just told me he loved me 'yeah ok and I am 6'3' I thought my self. Now in the room was me Alec , Magnus and Izzy staring at me weirdly like I was a zombie or something like that. I was "sleeping" but actually I was hearing them talking "I am gona take that bastards head off" Izzy said. "I told him that if he ever heart her I would kill him and now I am going to castrait him" Izzy continiued I couldn't stand her talking for him I "woke up" "Hey look she is up" Alec whispered "Hey guys..." I said but my voice couldn't sound "Honey it's better for you not to talk you are gona be fine in a couple of days" Magnus said I nodded and sight so they could get out except Izzy. I took a piece of papper and a pen and wroght "How is he doing?" "He is devostaid, he is worse than you he cried for the second time in his whole life. But it is his fault either you forgive him and he changes either you don't forgive him and you continiue your life it's up to you now. Last night he saw you with that asma attack you had and while I was crying he was having the same thing but the thing is that he was having this inside him his heart couldn't breath and he understood it was all him fault now" Izzy said and I was about to cry she saw my eyes widden and get red and she pulled me in a breath taking hug but this time I didn't react I needed her hug. It felt like hours I was in her hug and when I saw the clock it was 21:00 o'clock so I got downstairs and start preparing dinner. Maia came in the kitchen while I was cutting some chickenand a tear slipped through my eye"Are you ok?" she asked I just simply nodded my head no and looked away. She came closer gave me a hug and said in my ear "We can go to Taki's if you want and don't have any mood to cook" I whispered no and she just kiss my cheek and sat on the sofa. I finally finished cooking and prepared the table but I had no appetait and went upstairs and lay in my bed, I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. I was really curious so I opened a small window from my bathroom and saw into Jace's room he had also open a window so he could see me and he was criyng and his eyes were wet and red, then he moved near my bathroom so I had to close my window I sat right across were he was going to sit and started crying and then I whispered "Jace, I loved you how did you did that to me, why did you do that, was that really necessary?" then I sat in the wall he was sitting and I heard his voice shaky and unstable whispering "I am sorry Clary, I am really sorry I love you so much and I destroyed it please forgive me" I went inside my room turned to my wall and fell asleep with tears.


I was inside a cave it was dark and then I saw Jace sitting unconsious on the ground he was wearing red silk that was for calling demons I remembered I was sitting across him with a red dress and blood in my hands, I didn't know whos that blood was. Me and Jace had no scars, I tried to stand up and go to Jace but I had rune handcups in my hands and feet "bloody hell" I thought I tried to call his name but I had no voice then a boy and a man came in the room. "Nice now I have my hole family together except him he is not my blood he is a mudblood Herondale". I knew that man he had white hair and black eyes the same as the boy and behind of them came a woman with beautifull red hair and she had black eyes to. They were mam, dad and John but they all had black eyes. Then Jace stand up and opened his beautiful golden eyes that I craved so much to see but now his eyes were to black. I then saw the infernal cup. It wasn't the same infernal cup I've seen in the Clave's consule it was from black adamadias 'I ve never seen a black one' and then the whole scene changed. Now I was in a lake my feet where really cold I was in the water and behind me was standing John I couldn't move he gently pulled away my hair and kissed my neck 'what is he doing?' I thought I tried to pull away but I couldn't. He then whispered in my ear "Like it sister? I wish I could do this to you the whole time but please you will hurt yourself you can't move...and your boyfriend likes to watch us right?" I turned my face and saw Jace with tears I couldn't talk once again and I started crying but then I saw something Jace had beautiful golden wings and when I turned my face I saw John with wild black wings...


Izzy was in my room and looking at me worriedly "Izzy...what happened?" I tried to say but I had less sound in my voice, and then I noticed that Alec was beside the door, Magnus was next to me examing me? and then I looked up and saw Jace. I was laying on his lap. "You started screaming Jace's name and you were crying you wouldn't wake up when he came in the room, I came after him and called Alec and Magnus" I had tears in my eyes my hands and foot had marks from the hadcups that I saw in my dream there's no sense in all of this. I tried to stand up but I couldn't but then Jace pulled me up in a supporting hug and I kissed him. I missed those lips so much...


So guys school starts more less in a week so I start to skedull my time for writing so I am gonna write every Saturday or Sunday. You will have at least one update a week. Some times of course I won't be able to write so I am gonna update an A/N explaining you why I wouldn't write you know most tests etc. So have fun, I hope you liked my chapter and this chapters song is : "Say something" by A Great Big world ft. Christina Aguliera. Well I hope you liked my chapter PLEASE NOTICE THAT so I am taking place in a competition something like that and I need your votes + I really please you tell your friends about my story 'cause I need to have lots of votes and reads PLEASE (: and thanks for the 269 votes love yaaa

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