Chapter 20

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Novelty POV
"Wake up baby"

I felt soft whispering in my ear and somebody gently shaking me.

Groggy and disoriented I awake to face my tormentor.

"How can I help you this fine morning hun" I said, faking cheer

"You have to get ready baby the ceremony is starting soon and we don't want to be late." Aries said

I groaned, mushing my love's head out of the way so I could get to the bathroom.

"Can you make sure August and Marissa are up please?" I say to him

He nods leaving.

I think about that day all the time now.

It's been a couple months since the whole thing.

I ended up killing Jamesha.... I couldn't let her kill my baby.

I never want to relive that experience again. I was just lucky that I had a gun instead of the knife.
Christian ran.  He , didn't think he would be good for Marissa. Two days after I was hit with adoption papers , saying he had signed over guardianship of Marissa. That and two letters both addressed to her. I have her the one explaining the situation and save the other one like the instructions said till a later date.

Jennifer Fucking Martin...that crazy hoe.
Is locked the fuck up!!!! ( thank God!!!!)

She was sent to an insane asylum. Thank the lord!!! She pleaded insanity in court to speed it along. still Tares I guess. She is a little more tame now but still tries to get in my pants. After the whole ordeal I was forced to choose between both Aries and Tares. I chose him and me and her fell out for a while but she came around and eventually said she respected my choice.

I jumped out the shower. And put on my all white goddess dress. We decided to wear white today as a family. I put on my gold sandals and make my way downstairs to see Rissa and Auggy eating toast and Aries fixing us some toast. Rissa has on a white tu tu dress and some gold sandals. Aries and August are twinning with their matching outfits. They are both wearing white polo shirts, jeans and all white Air Force ones. They look so handsome.

We eat and hurry out to the car to rush to the ceremony.

I swear being surrounded by my family is the best feeling but it's a little bittersweet. I lost my bestfriend and now she doesn't get to see her beautiful daughter grow.. I feel guilty.

I'm so proud of Rissa and August, they make my heart swell. I love them with ally heart and watch this kindergarten graduation just shows that they won't be this young forever which means I must-

"Oh no you don't" my thoughts are interrupted Aries whispering in my ear

" I know that look Novel and no you won't spoil them even more." He says to me.

" But baby......." I said whining

"I have to!!! They are so cute and growing up so fast and soon won't be my babies anymore" I say on the verge of tears .

He picks me up and sits me in his lap, kissing my cheek

"Don't cry babe, it's ok look."

I see my baby guiding Marissa across the little stage to get their little papers of completion and their goodie bags. They are adorable.

I smile at the scene.

I look over seeing Tares  and my mother taking pictures and my father trying not to fall asleep.

I laugh. I look up at Aries and I am glad I have h he's wonderful. I kiss our joined hands and watch the rest of the ceremony with a smile on my face.

The End


So that was the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to comment or message me. I am going to write an epilouge so....

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