; 6 + badass sandwich

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"daddy!" arabella yells, running towards calum as he walks through luke's front door at 8pm that same night.

"hey babygirl, i missed you." calum tells her, kissing her temples as she's propped up against his hip securely. "why aren't you in bed, babe?"

"unca lukey and ashy kissin'!" she giggles, hiding her smile and giggles behind her hand. calum send her a small smile, the smile subsiding when remembering arabella was meant to be put to bed one hour ago. calum walks into the living room, arabella being carried by him, to see luke and ashton making out on the couch.

"arabella was to be put in bed one hour ago." calum's inner mother comes out, luke and ashton both pull away as if their mom just walked in on them.

"i- i arabella - she just- fuck." luke swears out, looking between his best friend and niece. "i'm sorry, calum. it's just that-"

"i don't wanna hear it. i just want snuggles with my baby and a badass sandwich, which you'll happily make me, in a way to apologize for scarring my innocent child's eyes, with your gay porn." calum sassily says, bouncing arabella on his hip to make her squeal and giggle making calum all squishy inside because his baby is cute as fuck.

luke sighs, before getting off ashton's lap to head to the kitchen making calum smile in victory knowing he's won, before handing arabella off to a smiley ashton who's making grabby hands at her, while pulling a silly face making her want to go to him.

a few minutes later, luke walks back into the living room, a played sandwich in hand handing it to calum with a glare. calum takes it before biting into it.

"good sandwich skills you got, hemmings." calum says.

"i hate you."

"whatever, so ashton, if you don't mind, i'd like my daughter back for those snuggles i wanted." ashton hands calum a sleepy arabella to calum. calum sits down on the couch, placing arabella on his lap, so she's straddling him, and her head rest on his chest. he bounces his legs slightly, so she can fully go to sleep, once she does so, he begins to finish the rest of his sandwich.

a knock at the door, makes calum cringe when arabella let's out a small whimper, but she gives right back to sleep when calum rubs her back and shushes her. ashton gets up from the couch to open the door, moments later, a pink haired dude in a skirt comes walking into the living room, behind ashton.

"calum, this is michael, but you guys sorta already met." ashton introduced both boys. calum sends michael a small smile, shifting arabella slightly, as she began to get a little bit heavy against his body.



"so... i'm going to help luke in the bedroom..." ashton says, a small smirk playing against his lips.

"god forbid you both have sex, while my daughter is the the apartment complex. she's seen and heard enough today, she doesn't deserve to hear you both go at it like rabbits." calum tells the honey haired boy, ashton rolling his eyes, and walking away with a shrug, earning himself a pillow thrown at the back of his head by calum.

"wait they...?"

"oh no, they were taking care of ara, and they didn't even bother pulling away from each others faces to bother putting her to bed, lucky her i fed her before we came." calum says, smiling when hearing michael laugh.

calum takes in michael's appearance, seeing the boy's legs clad in shear black tights with a big maroon knitted sweater going past his bum, and black doc martens at his feet. overall he was pretty. really pretty.

michael blushes when seeing calum look at him, calum flushes when seeing michael caught him staring.

"i'm sorry." calum apologizes.

"it's okay." michael smiles small, looking between calum and arabella.

"how old is she?" michael shyly asks.

"she turned 2 last month." calum smiles, looking down at his daughter, running his hand through her hair.

"she's adorable."

"thankyou." calum says, sending michael a tiny smile in thanks

michael felt weird. he felt as if he should be obligated to be nice to calum. he's usually so closed off and rude to everyone, because he doesn't want to get close to anyone and get hurt in the end, but he feels like calum's different, and could ask him anything.

"do you work?" michael asks, bringing his sweater paw clad hands to his mouth; a terrible habit of his.

"yeah at wal-mart." calum replies, bouncing slightly when seeing arabella fuss around once again, not wanting to deal with a fussy arabella, because then he'll never be able to her back down to sleep.

"oh my god, really? i love wal-mart!" michael exclaims, eyes widening when arabella lets out a cry, calum's smiley face, turning into an annoyed expression. he immediately stands up, placing both his arms under arabella's bum to keep her in place so her head could still lay on calum's chest.

"shh babygirl, it's okay, c'mon." calum soothes her, trying to calm down her cries, but sighing when she only begins to cry louder. michael watches calum work with arabella, feeling guilty he woke up the toddler, and for putting calum into a stressful situation.

"i'm so so so sorry." michael tries to apologize, but calum doesn't seem to hear him over arabella's loud cries.

"c'mon babe, pretty girls don't deserve to cry, shhh it's okay." calum whispers into her ear, rocking her back and forth until her cries turn into sniffles, and she eventually tires herself out and falls back to sleep.

"i'm sorry, calum." michael whispers. calum loos over at michael seeing a guiltily expression plastered on his face.

"it's okay, everyone loves wal-mart"


pls give feedback !!!! n go check out my rant book if you wanna c me complain over dumb shit !!!

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