Chapter 2 - Chaos happening

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Chapter 2

After Thomas left I didn't know what to do or where to start. So I thought maybe I should walk around and maybe I'll find someone to help me.

I end up going to the grocery store and meeting Karen. ( the grocers daughter)

"Hi Claire! "She says all smiley. Karen can be sorta mean, so I try not to upset her. Hi Karen, I say. She asks me what Im doing. I begin to tell her the story how Mr.Thomas gave me a farm. After I finish the story she doesn't say anything. She just stands in shock. I wait for her to say something. She then speaks
"Wow, you're going to need a lot of help! How about you I give you some seeds to start you off?" I was surprised Karen would do that. She gives me the seeds, and I leave off elsewhere.

Now that I have my seeds I don't know what to do with them. So I end up going into the Blacksmith to ask Gray. Grays has been my friend since I was little, so I see him all the time.

I walk in and I end up coming into a scary situation.
"YES I AM!!!" Gray screams.
Then I looked around and it all got quiet.
"I was wondering if Gray could help me for a bit?" I say to Saibara (Gray's grandpa.)

Saibara looks a little angry but then says Gray can help me out. Gray has brownish blondish hair. He always wears a hat that says UMA on it, and he normally wears his tan uniform. Gray is only one year older then me, but his grandpa pushes him to hard! I sometimes feel bad for him. Well atleast he's not alone like me.

Sorry chapter 2 is sorta long but please stay tuned for the upcoming chapters!!

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