Chapter 14- Goodbye

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Chapter 14

Gray walks in.... me and Cliff look up to see Gray staring at the too of us with a shocked expression on his face. We look up at him with a guilty look on r face.... "Gray it's not what you think...." Next thing u know Grays face is red with anger and a hint of sadness but mostly madness. He looks at me in the eyes and starts screaming! "YOU!!! I can't believe you!! I start dating you for half a month and you start....THIS, behind my back!!!! IM DONE WITH YOU!" Tears start streaming out of my face slowly... Then Gray looks at Cliff and says "And you! I can't believe I was almost your friend!!" He turns around and starts leaving out of the farm. "I hate both of you...don't bother talking to me again..."

I stand up then look at Cliff and my face turns bright red! I look at Cliff and I yell at him!! "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT,BECAUSE OF YOU HE HATES ME AND THINKS ITS ALL MY FAULT!!!" I then begin to cry... And the redness in my face slowly starts fading away... I tell Cliff to leave and he walks away. This beautiful day slowly ended up as the worst day of the summer. I ended up going to bed to try to forget this day ever happened.

The next day I felt even worse then before, also knowing that this is the day of the firework festival and I won't be going with Gray. I got up and made coffee and changed into the worst color of overalls I could find. I then watered my crops and fed my chickens as slowly as I could... Then after I took Max to the beach so we could both get some rest before the festival... Which I will be attending alone...:/ Me and Max got to beach and I was tossing around a frisbee. But then I saw a a boat at the dock. I tell Max to sit and stay as I walk over there to see what was going on.

At the dock I see Gray and some suit cases. I go over by him and ask

"where are you going??" Gray says

"why should I tell you, your just gonna go behind my back and tell everyone anyway...but if you must know I'm leaving." I say" Leaving!!!"

"Yes I'm leaving If I don't have anymore people to be with and if I'm having a hard time at my job, then why should I be here. I rather be somewhere that Im wanted then be somewhere that I'm not." He says.

The horn then honks on the boat. Gray then says

"We'll it was nice knowing you Claire, bye."

Gray then waves goodbye and then gets on the boat and leaves...will he ever be back? First no date to the firework festival.....and now not even a friend is here with me...please come back Gray.....

~ A Harvest Moon fanfiction: Love?~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon