Chapter 28- I didn't know what to say

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Chapter 28

Everyone in the crowd almost died from shock. Cliff nearly passed out. I didn't know what to do.

"Claire... Is this how you really feel?" Said the Mayor.

I didn't know what to tell the mayor.

Well Cliff has always been there for me.. And I do love him.. But I never forgot about how much I still loved Gray to. It wouldn't be right for me to still have feelings for someone else but get married to another guy..

"I'm just not ready for marriage I guess.." I said

The crowd stared... Cliff was nearly heart broken. All my brides mades were two words away from tears.

My side of the wedding was over, while Gray and Jill were about to be on there way.

I didn't know what to do..

Is it wrong to be in love with two people.. I don't want to let anyone down, this was my only option..

After the awful ceremony.. All my towns people went home. I told Jill and Gray I was sorry and left the wedding. Gray and Jill were still getting married, so they finished the ceremony. Cliff hadn't been seen since the wedding.

I felt relieved that I didn't marry Cliff, but I also feel that I should have thought this through some more. I went out looking for him.

I left the church, and started to run around the town screaming his name.

"Cliff!!!! Cliff! HELLO!" It was around midnight and I felt as if I were waking up everyone.

I started to walk slower as I became tired, and I ended up finding Cliff by the side of my house. Crying...scared...alone, he felt defeated inside.

"Why.... Why.... Why didn't you want to marry me... I thought you wanted this... Don' me?" Cliff said sobbing

Each word out of his mouth made me break down in tears.

"I do.. But I couldn't marry you.... I love you Cliff.. But if I married you.. I would feel awful... Because....well.. I love 2 people.."

"You don't have to say his name...I already know..."

"You do?"

"I seen they uneasiness you always felt when I brought up our never felt the way I did.."

"I always felt the way you felt... But I felt two people.."

"Well who cares..... I'm fed up with you Claire... we're not dating...we're not boyfriend and girlfriend.. We're not even friends. If you love someone else, then go marry them!"

Cliff ran away into the valley behind my farm, and he never came out of it. I didn't know what to say....

POV Gray

It was after the wedding, and Jill and I went into the Inn as happy and drunk as ever. Jill passed out onto the bed, and I sat in thought.

"Why did Claire not marry Cliff? I should probably talk to her tomorrow.."

I went to bed with this question lingering in my head...

The Next Day

It was early in the morning and Jill was downstairs calling her harvest sprites to take care of her farm for today. I had no idea what that was, so I told Jill I left out to speak with her sister.

I left the doors of the Inn and walked over the Claire's farm. When I arrived, I found Claire in her field with her wedding dress on, passed out! I quickly ran over to her and tried to wake her up!

"Claire! Wake up please!!!"

"Hm...uh..ugh." Claire mumbled.

I picked her up and took her inside the house. I lied her on the bed and she was nearly awake. Her makeup was messy and worn out, hair was frizzy, and her dress looked as if it got trampled on.

"Hi..." She mumbled

I took some cold water from the stream and I brought it back, and splashed in her face!

"*cough cough* Hey!" Claire yelled more wide awake

"Sorry you wouldn't wake up!"

"Wait how did I get inside? Why are you here?"

"I came to talk to you, and you were passed out in your field!"

"Oh.. Heh.. Sorry."

"But I'm about to leave soon, so I need to talk to you real quick..."

"What is it..."

"Why did you say no..."

Claire looked down... Then up.. And then she looked down again but sad..

"Because...I couldn't marry someone If I loved another person also..."

~ A Harvest Moon fanfiction: Love?~Where stories live. Discover now