Chapter 15 -BOOM!

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Chapter 15
After Gray left I stood on the beach shocked from what I did to actually make him leave. Questions started filling my head. Where would he go?? Will he come back? When will I see him again. Well now It's just me.... I went home with Max. I only had a little while till the firework festival.
I guess I can still go il just sit and watch alone the whole time. I'm a's not like i have something better to do. Well I could do some actual farming. But...ugh... I
don't know what to do.

20 minutes later at home....
I had nothing to do and the festival is only a hour away so I guess I will change into something a little more suitable to watch the fireworks with. Well all I had in my closet was overalls, and they're wasn't a tailoring business around here. So I guess I will change into some yellow overalls, maybe the color will brighten my mood. Well in the mean time I guess I will walk back to the beach and sit till they start.

When I got there everyone was all gathered around for the fireworks. Everyone there were all cute little couples, except for me. Karen and Rick, Popuri and Kai, Doctor and Elli. Even Mary wasn't alone, she sat with Ann and watched it with her. Cliff was also alone but I don't even want to talk to him. I sat down while holding my knees near my face.
A few seconds later the fireworks finally started! Pow! Bang! Bam!!! They were very pretty, all the colors splashing together made it just lovely...almost romantic like. Thinking of that made a small tear come from my eye. Next I see Cliff come over next to me. I look away so he couldn't see my face.
"Hi.. I'm sorry Gray moved away....and I'm sorry for everything." He said. I didn't say anything.
"I thought I loved him...but you ruined my chances..." I said muffled in my lap. Cliff didn't say anything. He just stared at me... As creepy as it sounds..I stared back at him. Did I really get over Gray that fast to love Cliff? We stared at each other for a long time until. BOOM!

I punched Cliff right in the face!! I stood up in shock not even thinking why I did that. Cliff yelled ouch and sat there covering his mouth, which looked like it really hurt. Everyone turned and looked at me. I ran....I ran all the way to my farm and I locked myself in the house.

I went in the house and just started pacing In circles...I didn't know what to do. "Knock knock" went the door. I was sure it was going to Cliff wondering y I punched him, but actually it was Mary and Ann. They stood outside asking to come in. I let them in and they both starting going crazy with some many questions on why I punched Cliff. I told them the whole story of how Cliff kissed me TWICE, and Gray leaving and then I told them about the fireworks and then me just randomly punching him.
After I finished the story Mary stood in shock knowing that the Gray she loved moved away... I know Mary loved him but she kept it secret because I was dating him. Ann spoke but softly "look that story sounds awful...but from what you said, you sound pretty mad at Cliff. I think that's why u punched him... I hope he's ok."
Ann also loves Cliff I feel kinda bad she's hear to comfort me and I punched her lover, and I feel bad for Mary cause I drove away who she loved too......I feel awful. " I know I think I gone to far....but if u don't think about it in that way... It was kinda funny." I say smirking. Mary finally gets out of her shock mode and starts laughing of the thought of someone getting punched. Ann wasn't laughing because she didn't really think that was funny. Next thing you know me and Mary were cracking up on the floor while Ann stood there watching us laugh. But she finally loosened up and started laughing too.

I guess the night went a little better then I thought it was...I did punch someone in the face, but it actually ended pretty well...sorta.

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