Chapter Three: Parties, No Matter

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Loki drummed his fingers nervously on the coffee table. Where could she be? It was 7:22, she should be home. He was worried. What if she had been kidnapped? Killed? Arrested? Or just delayed? His worrisome thoughts had the best of him. Just then, the door opened.

"Hey, Loki!" It was Rory, "I am truly sorry for any trouble I may have caused you, but I had to stop by the store and buy you clothes because you just have jeans and a tee shirt. So I picked you up some casual things to wear." She dropped several large bags on the floor.

"You have really overdone yourself," Loki complimented her.  

She was proud but still humble, "I couldn't resist."

"I know this must be the hundredth time I've said this, but thank you so much." His eyes glistened.

He gazed into her ice blue eyes that shone with hope for the future. She savored the little moment, but, embarrassed, she tore her eyes away and shuffled around Loki.

"I'll leave you be to browse through your things. I'll just be in my room." Rory gently closed her door.

Loki perused the articles of clothing Rory had purchased him. They were no Asgardian garments, but they were well-suited for Midgard, and this pleased him. He wanted to wear something to show Rory, and after a while of rummaging through the bags, he found a pair of green plaid flannel pants and a grey shirt.

The silence was unnerving, but that was the only thing there was. Silence. Until he heard something coming from Rory's room. Slowly, he walked closer to her shut door to listen. She was crying. Not a little tearing up, but a right proper sob. Loki couldn't bear the thought of her crying alone in her room. He wanted to help her like she helped him. After a moment of indecision, he opened the door to find her weeping and lying down in her bed, the sheets strewn across the floor and the pillows either with the sheets or in her arms. He carefully made his way over to the side of her bed and laid his hand gently on her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay." He thought to say.

Rory sat up and sniffed. Her blue eyes were stained grey from the mascara running down her face and her hair was carelessly thrown all over. She was shaking.

She tried to stifle her tears and answer Loki, "I-" she broke back down into tears.

"Sh. It's okay. I promise you that everything will be okay. I may not know what is wrong, but I can try to be of comfort." He reassured her.

She beckoned for him to sit next to her. He cautiously sat down


"I need you right now. To be a friend. Because I think I lost one today and I can't bear that!" She started crying again and fell into Loki's embrace. He held her close like she was a precious crystal, and she was to him. He was holding his most coveted diamond in his arms.

"I will be whatever you need me to be, Rory."

She weakly smiled into his shoulder and opened her mouth as if to say something, but silence had a hold on her, preventing her from breaking the perfect wordlessness of the moment. Loki began to stand up to leave.

“No, please stay with me,” she pleaded him, “I need you to stay. I can’t be alone. Please.”

“Of course, I’ll stay.” the gentleness of his voice was a soft blanket making her feel safe and warm. She rested her head on the pillow she no longer held in her arms and let Loki rest beside her. She felt safer with him at her side, she knew that he wouldn’t leave. Not now, hopefully not anytime soon.

She soon was fast asleep. The moonlight streaming in through her large window gently outlined the curve of her waist and her subtly beautiful features. Her deep brown locks pooled behind her head and faded to a light blonde; her arms were tucked into her chest, holding Nicki’s memory as close as she possibly could. She looked almost angelic. Loki couldn’t stop gazing at her. The soft lines her shadow made on the opposite wall mesmerized him. The organic lines of her body contrasted his sharp and tall features. Soon, he brought up the courage to lie down next to her, somehow managing to resist taking her in his embrace again and lied facing the wall. He sooner fell asleep than he ever did alone, deeply and without the waking terrors that haunted him.

Perpetuity (A Loki FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora