Chapter Four: No More Secrets

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Loki was the first to wake; he kissed Rory's head and slowly got up. She looked unconditionally beautiful in the dusty light of morning. He wanted to do something special for her, so he ventured into the kitchen to attempt a breakfast. After burning the bacon and accidentally spilling some orange juice, he concluded he was not going to do well and he just decided to buy her something rather than attempt breakfast.

Rory drearily stumbled into the living room, propping herself up on the back of the sofa.

"Good morning, handsome."

He walked to the sofa and leaned over her to kiss her good morning. She happily let him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in closer.

"Good morning to you too," he smiled and pecked her lips before carefully fetching a glass of water.

He returned to the living room and sat on the couch next to Rory."What shall we do today?"

"Everything." Rory simply looked at him, and they both skittered to put some clothes on and head out the door.

The cold fresh air bit their noses and their breath came out like puffs of smoke from a cigarette.

They raced to see a movie first. Loki had never seen one, and it was a simple pleasure to watch moving pictures with a girl he loved. They went ice skating and metro-hopping and altogether enjoyed themselves as much as a happy couple could.

On the way home, they passed a small structure that seemed out of place. Curiosity got the best of them, and they entered the premises. The walls were charred and the windows were boarded up.

"Oh." Rory gasped, "This is the building that set fire three years ago. The-" she was cut off by an invisible force preventing her from speaking.

"The what?"

"The orphanage." She dropped to her knees and held her head in her hands.

"What's the matter?" He hated to see her like this; it broke his heart.

She sat like a rock for a few minutes, but when she came back to her senses, she explained.

"Three years ago, I had a fiancé. I thought I loved him and he claimed to love me. A month or so before the wedding, I told him I was pregnant. I was going to have a kid. He was so excited, he wanted to drive to his mother's house down the road and tell her." She paused "He never came back." A lump formed in her throat, "But I couldn't bring myself to get an abortion, so I had my baby girl. I was also twenty four and didn't have a stable job so I... I, uh..." She stuttered to finish her tale, "I gave her up. She would be four in three months."

The young mother's distress startled Loki, and something inside him urged to tell her of his youth.

"I was adopted." He comforted her.

She looked to him with tears in her eyes that impelled him to elaborate.

"I was adopted as a baby. My father raised my brother and I as blood. I loved them very much, and they never told me I was of a different family. I recently discovered the truth." He lowered his head shamefully, "I didn't take it very well. I got angry. I broke things that could not be fixed. I turned my family against me, and I wish I could take it all back and start over."

"Don't we all?" Rory rested her head on his shoulder. "What, specifically, happened when you found out? I don't mean to intrude, but I want to know what my daughter could be feeling if her parents tell her."

"I might not be the best example."

"I don't care, I trust you."

Loki reluctantly obliged. "I can't tell you, but I can show you. Close your eyes."

Perpetuity (A Loki FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora