Chapter 4

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The tiny boy parked his car outside of the school and someone zoomed by which caught his eye. He looked over and saw a boy with the same type of jeans as him and a Mohawk. Tyler thought that kid looked really cool.

He got out of his car and walked through the entrance doors. The skater boy was walking right behind him. He felt kinda nervous and hot in the face. He didn't know why. Tyler just kept walking and went to the office to receive his schedule and locker combination.

He had some trouble with his locker so he was a little late for class. As he walked in, the teacher introduced him to the class which was really awkward.

"Class, this is our new student, Tyler Joseph. Tyler, this is the class," Mr. Smith said in a really deep voice. Tyler just awkwardly waved to the class.

"Class, say hello to Tyler."

"Hi Tyler" a few people said.

He took the only empty seat which was right in front of skater boy. Who was kinda cute... Stop it Tyler.

//Josh and Tyler

While the teacher was lecturing and teaching, Tyler was writing and drawing in his composition book. He felt a poke on his head. He ignored it but then he felt another poke, harder this time. Tyler turned around and said, "what?" Kinda annoyed.

"Wow, you have a high pitched voice." Josh said laughing quietly.

"Shut up, Mohawk" Tyler said still annoyed.

"Hey calm down" Josh said smiling. "I'm Josh Dun." He held out his hand for Tyler to shake.

"Tyler Joseph." He shook Josh's hand. "I-I like your blue hair." Tyler said blushing a little.

"Thanks man. Hey, do you want to sit with me at lunch?" Josh said still smiling.

"Really?" Tyler said in shock.

"Yeah of course." Josh replied.

"Yes!" Tyler said quite loudly.

"Shhhh" Josh said " okay meet you there later."

"Okay." Tyler whispered.

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