Chapter 6

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"Why are you calling me 'Ty'?" The small boy asks Josh.

"Uhhh.... I'm not sure. I thought it sounded cute, I don't know," Josh shrugged it off.

"Okay," Ty said. Josh started to notice that Tyler's cheeks were turning a light shade of pink. Oh god what did I say? Oh god was it embarrassing? Did I embarrass myself? Oh god Josh... Josh grabbed Tyler's forearm and pulled him along because they only had 2 minutes until second bell rang.

"We're almost there," Josh reassured Tyler.

"Okay. Thanks for walking me to class Josho," Ty said smiling.

"Did you just call me Josho?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. Why? You don't like it?" Tyler asked nervously.

"No, I think it's cute," Josh said and he started to blush. "We're here Ty."

They both walked into the classroom and sat in the same spots as they did in the other periods. Tyler would constantly turn around to talk to Josh.

"Pssst! Hey Joshhhh" Tyler yell-whispered.

Josh looked at Tyler as he slid him a note. On the front of the folded up paper was JOSHO in purple ink pen with a symbol next to it that Josh didn't recognize. He started to unfold it slowly, carefully so he doesn't make a noise and draw attention to himself.

The note read:
Hey Josho,
Wanna come over to my place later for pizza? And I need help with my homework.
From, Tyjo

Josh smiled at the note and took out a black ink pen. He clicked the pen and started writing:
Of course I want to come over for pizza ^_^ oh yeah, and what's that symbol mean?? |-/ that one.

Josh tapped Tyler's shoulder and slid the note back to him. Tyler looked really happy. He's so cute when he smiles! Oh my god I can't even deny it, trust me I've tried denying it. Josh thought to himself. Thinking about Tyler made him smile too.

I wonder if he likes me... Like I like him, I mean. He's so tiny and adorable. I don't know.. He probably just thinks of me as a friend. Josh's smile kind of faded. He was still smiling just not as much.

He was happy to get to go to Ty's house though. It'll be fun and He could find out if Tyler likes him back.

{should I do POVs for future chapters? I keep accidentally writing I instead of he, him,
Josh, or Tyler. Please comment if you want POVs or if it's fine. I kinda want to do POVs but I want to hear what you guys want too}

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