Chapter 7

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//Tyler's POV

I grinned widely when I read the note from Josh. I noticed he smiled a little too, then it faded but it was still there.

I started to write back because he asked what the symbol was. To be honest I didn't even know what it was but I'll try to explain it the best I can.

Joshua William Dun,
Sick, sick as frick. Oh yeah about the symbol... It's just something my friend Mark drew up one day and I liked it. I use it all the time for random things I write. So yeah :3
From, Tyler (;

That sounds about right. Hope the winky face doesn't seem too sexual though... Oh well I thought to myself as I fold up the previously passed note. Like a ninja, I put the note on top of Josh's messy strands of hair. I watch as he blindly pats his head, trying to find the note.

He was so cute.

I'm not the best at regular/daily updates. Be happy I updated though XD sorry it's a short chapter, it's 1am and I'm getting tired and I'm up north with no wifi so the update will be up when I get home in a few days.

Since I have no internet ;-; I'll be able to write more out of boredom! *small crowd of 3 people cheer, yayyy* more chapters to come love you guys <3 comments/constructive criticism and votes are appreciated THANK YOU for reading my crap story ((((((:

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