Chapter 13- Ode To Sleep

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Tyler continued to text Josh not even thinking about Josh coming over later.

Josh: hey Tyjo, when do you want me to come over?
Tyler: uhh does 6 work for you?
Josh: yeah perfect.

~(Tyler gave Josh directions and stuff like that)~

//Tyler's POV
"Okay, it's 5:00 right now. So, I have an hour until he gets here... Or he could be early..or late..." I thought out loud without realizing it as I paced my room and made random hand motions. (I do this irl) "God, I need to stop over thinking this. Uhm, I need to pick out an outfit, jump in the shower- not literally though, that'd hurt because I'd slip and fall and die, I need to put on the outfit I'd picked out then I need to smell decent." I continued to say out loud. "Okay got it."

I went through my closet and practically threw all of it on my bed. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, my favorite worn out floral vans, and a black with thin white vertical stripes button up. The cherry on top was my black and white flower crown. I set it all aside as I stripped down and got into a hot shower. It was relaxing as the warm water trickled down my spine. I've been taking a lot of cold showers lately to wake me up because I get tired a lot. A hot shower once in awhile is like heaven.

I finish up in the shower and dry off. I step out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, whistling a tune I had heard Josh drumming on his desk earlier.

Stepping into my room, I close the door and throw on my previously selected outfit. As I start to place my flower crown on my head I realized my hair is wet and flat. I sighed and walked back to the bathroom and plugged in the hair dryer. My hair was now dry but still annoyingly dangling onto my forehead. I straightened my hair then flooped it up. There's really no other word to describe it besides 'flooped'.

It's now 5:47. I guess I should order the pizza for when he comes shouldn't I?

Be proud I've written a kind of longer chapter! I think it's normal length... (I felt like I was talking about a dick when I wrote that BUT IM NOT) I'm sorry I'll leave. Love you guys!! Comments, likes/votes, shares, all that is very appreciated (: we're like 20-ish reads away from 200!! Ik that's not a lot to most people but it is to me so thank you!!

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