CHAPTER ONE - Alessia's Return

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This is the sequel to "Hogwarts with the Marauders (I)" !!!! Thank you to all the fans who gave me so many reads, and so many votes! You're the reason I keep writing this, and that I created a sequel :D


“When is she going to get here?” Sirius asked impatiently. The Marauders and Lily were all sitting on the front steps of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. None of them had seen Alessia over the summer, and they were all anxiously awaiting her arrival.

"She'll be here soon." Lily said, shifting her weight nervously. "I hope."

"What?!" Remus rounded on her. "You said Alessia was coming today!"

"Well, she said she was coming today but-"

There was a popping noise and a familiar voice yelled, "I'm here! Sorry I'm late, everyone."

"Alessia!" James yelled, and went to hug her. He quickly released her to let Siris pass. Then Peter hugged her, then Remus, then Lily.

"We missed you so much!" she told her best friend.

"I missed you too."

"Remember your way around the castle?" Sirius teased.

"Are you kidding? I could walk around this place blindfolded." Alessia sighed. "It's good to be back."

"Good to have you back, Ale." Remus smiled warmly at her. Alessia returned the smile, when her eyes landed on Peter. He was smiling, but Alessia wondered what was wrong.

"You okay, Pete? You haven't said a word since I got here." She tilted her head to the side, like she always did when she asked a question, except it looked different. She seemed older.

"He can't talk." Sirius told her. Alessia looked at Lily with one eyebrow raised. She had learned to turn to Lily when Sirius' answers were stupid. "I'm not joking!" he exclaiemd, offended.

"He isn't, Alessia. Peter got hit by a Silencing spell at breakfast. Derick and Paula were in a fight again." Lily shook her head at the siblings' fights every time they had one. Alessia laughed.

"Ah, these things don't happen in Italy. I hadn't realized how much I've missed this place. Can we go inside? This trunk is killing my arm - Oh, thanks, James - I can't wait to see the castle! Come on!" Alessia ran inside, James now carrying her heavy trunk.

"Why am I such a gentleman?" He muttered to himself.

"You aren't." Sirius said. "That's why Evans still hasn't hooked up with you." Lily walked off, ignoring their conversation about her. Remus rolled his eyes and started talking to Peter about the full moon coming up. Peter didn't seem intrested, but of course, he couldn't say anything.

"Hey!" James called to the girls. They stopped on the top step of the staircase and turned around. "Remember last year when I fell off the side of the railing and ended up in the Hospital Wing?"

"How could I forget." Alessia rolled her eyes, playfully. "It was the night I got mauled by a fricken werewolf! No offense, Remus."

"None taken." He answered.

"Well," James attracted the attention back to himself. "This is where it happened. Right here." He motioned to the railing next to him. The drop must have been about forty feet.

"Let me see." Alessia skipped back down the stairs and leaned over the railing. "I can't see anything."

"What are you excpecting to see?" Lily asked, walking over to her.

"The ground." Alessia answered. "There is none."

"There has to be." Sirius said, leaning over the railing, too. "Damn, you're right. I don't see anything. Moony, come here with your super werewolf vision and tell me you see the ground." Remus sighed and walked over to the spot Sirius was standing in. His eyes went wide.

"I see black, nothing else." He told them.

"You can't see me, I'm right here." Sirius joked. "Get it, Sirius Black."

"What do you mean there's no ground." James put Alessia's trunk down and he and Peter walked over to the edge and looked over it.

"What are you six doing?" A shrill voice asked. The gang turned around to see Professor McGonagall standing at the top of the stairs. "Miss De Luca, how good to see you again. Are you heading up to the dorms?"

"That's exactly what we're doing, Professor." Alessia answered, cheerfully. Then, she whispered: "Come on, guys. I think it's better not to tell anyone about the floor, just yet." The Marauders all grabbed an end of her trunk and heaved it back up the stairs under McGonagall's watchful eye. They soon arrived at Gryffindor tower, the Marauders all out of breath.

"Oddsbodikins." Remus wheazed and the Fat Lady swung open, revealing the portrait hole.

"You're all a bunch of blundering idiots, you know that, right?" Lily asked. They all looked at her as if she were crazy. Alessia, who had been walking beside her, smiled. Lily sighed. "Locomotor!" She pointed her wand at the trunk. It lifted about four feet above the ground, and pushed itself through the portrait hole. James swore and Sirius groaned.

"Well, I'm starve, how about we get some dinner? Shall we?" Alessia grinned again and hooked her arm through Lily's. The two of them headed back down stairs to the Great Hall, giggling as they caught up with each others' life.

Hogwarts with the Marauders (II) [OLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora