CHAPTER NINTEEN - That's Cheating

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CHAPTER NINTEEN - That's Cheating

"And what if I don't want to teach that boy Quidditch?" Sirius hissed hotly, green eyes flashing as he talked to Alessia. She was leaning on the trunk of a tree and Sirius stood in front of her, hands placed on either side of her shoulder so she couldn't leave. If Sirius hadn't been quite so upset, the moment could have been quite romantic. "He was hitting on my best friend's... love intrest. How do I know he wouldn't hit on you? The guy's a wanker; unbreakable vows are some pretty serious-" Sirius didn't smile. "-stuff, Ale."

"I know, Sirius, we have those in Italy, too." Her face and tone were completely calm. She leaned forward and pecked him on the nose. "Please do it, Padfoot - for me?" Alessia was not using her power over him, but did use unconditionally adorable puppy-dog-eyes that were almost as hard to resist as her power.

"No." Sirius spoke when he was sure his brain and mouth would cooperate.

Alessia sighed. She looked over his shoulder as best she could, as he was a few inches taller then she was at James and Bennet, talking awkwardly as Lily stood next to them, making sure no argument would break out. Remus and Peter had gone to find extra brooms.

"Fine, I didn't want to do this to you, but you leave me no choice." She fished in her pocket for a crumpled photograph and showed it to her boyfriend. Alessia smiled happily when Sirius' mouth fell open. "I've kept it for emergencies."

"That's cheating." he assured her, bringing her closer to him and stuffing the moving picture back into her pocket, letting his hand linger on her upper thigh a little longer then it should have. She swatted it away, laughing.

"I assure you, Black, it is not cheating, but you do look cute when you get worked up." This shocked Sirius so much Alessia was able to sneak under his arm and run back to their friends, laughing again when Sirius began chasing her. "Eeek!"

After a little less then a minute, Sirius - who had a lot more endurance then Alessia had - tackled the girl to the ground and began tickling her.

"No, stop it! Sirius, really. AH!" she squealed, kicking as she tried to get him off of her. "Sirius! Please." Tears were starting to run down her face as she continued to laugh. "Stop tickil- eek!" No matter how hard Alessia tried, either rolling away from her irritating but adorable boyfriend or getting a firm-enough grip on his mind that she could control him, she failed.

"Promise me you'll rip that picture to shreads!" he ordered, grinning.

"No, but you - hahahahahaha - you look so cu- hahahaha - cute! SIRIUS!" Alessia cried, kicking and screaming harder then ever. "LILYYY!!! HELP!" 

The redhead turned around. She spotted Sirius and Alessia on the ground, rolled her eyes, and continued her conversation with Bennet and James, a smile tugging at her lips. She knew that Alessia would be frustrated if she didn't help, but Lily knew that this would bring her closer to Sirius.

"What a great friend, eh?" Sirius questioned as he stopped tickling her. Alessia took deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Sirius stepped one leg over her body and crouched down so he was almost sitting on her. "Which pocket is the picture in?"

"Not saying." she replied stubbornly.

"I'll tickle you."

Alessia looked into his eyes for a moment, her own eyes slightly narrowed as the silence overpowered them.

"I mean, I won't tickle you." Sirius continued, his eyes glazing over. "I'm going to go over there and teach Bennet Quidditch like we promised." He stood up and - careful not to kick Alessia accidentally - strolled over to were the others had gathered.

By this time, Remus and Peter had returned with the brooms. Sirius' perseverence to teach this slimy git Quidditch lasted all the way towards him, where he stopped and his eyes un-glazed. He became confused and looked back at Alessia, who was now leaning against the tree and looking very proud of herself.

"Damn that blonde-haired minx." he muttered to himself, though he couldn't help feeling slightly proud of himself. I have a badass girlfriend. The words sounded familiar. Sirius then remembered Alessia telling him she would take care of Malfoy and Snivellus. His heart sank and a newborn anger arose in him. "I'm going to have a few chice words with them." and those few choice words might sound like, Impedimenta, Duro or Evanesco. Sirius wonderd if the spell 'Evanesco' would work on humans. He very much hoped so.

"So, do you want the info or not, because I don't have all day." Bennet barked.

"You, shut up, or I'll hex your head off." Sirius snarled, pointing a threatening finger. "You bloody wanker, son of Salazar Slytherin, ancestor of the most evil wizard in History-"

Lily stomped her foot down hard on Sirius' toes. Sadly, she was wearing a thick, half-inch heels. Sirius doubled over, wheezing as he shot daggers up at his bestfriends' hopefully-future girlfriend.

"He's a bloody git, and you know it." he hissed in her direction, straightening up and harshly grabbing one of the brooms from Peter's hand. The small, mousey boy took a step back after the broom was pulled out of his grasp, frightened. "James, grab a effing broom and lets get this over with."

They practiced from nine to nine forty-five, Alessia and Lily watching nervously from the sidelines. James and Sirius were indeed very good Chasers, though, unfortunately, Bennet was a Seeker. It wasn't too bad though, because Sirius was able to teach him a new flying technique and James tought him a better way to catch the Quaffle - er, Snitch.

"Time's running out." Lily whispered worriedly. Tears welled up in her eyes. "We're going to fail."

"We'll be fine." Alessia assured her, wrapping a hand around her shoulder and squeezed. With her free hand, Alessia took the now-crumpled photograph of her boyfriend out of her back pocket and gazed at it lovingly.

They were all going to make sure this worked, even if it killed them.


If you comment on this chapter, guessing correctly what the picture of Sirius that Alessia blackmailed him with, you will get the next chapter as a dedication! :D

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