CHAPTER EIGHT - The New Founders

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Alessia had re-assembled her feelings by the next morning and acted cool and distant. Only Lily and Remus knew it was an act.

Sirius wasn't in a much better state, but he didn't try to hide it. He was in a glum mood, and even looked a little angry.

"Just apologize, mate." Remus whispered to Sirius. He shook his head, muttering something about it not being his fault. Remus sighed; there was no use arguing with him. Blacks had hard heads.

"Padfoot, do you like her or not?" James tried. Sirius didn't answer, just continued stuffing his face with the breakfast Liz's parents had prepared in silence.

Peter seemed a little out of it, so James quickly explained the situation and then continued trying to convince the depressed Marauder to apologize.

Remus was sitting in between Alessia and Sirius, so he leant over to whisper in her ear, "You okay?" She didn't react. Remus reached under the table and squeezed her hand. Alessia looked up, realizing someone was speaking to her.


"You okay?"

"Yeah, of course." It was a lie, Remus knew it. He released her hand. She was just as stubborn as Sirius.

"Alessia, forget about Black. He's a moron, he wasn't going to amount to much, anyway. No offense, Remus." Lily gave him an apologetic glance before continuing to list Sirius' bad traits. "And I remember in third year when James and him snuck down to the kitchens and almost sabotaged the whole end of year feast because Sirius slipped and almost squished a house elf!"

"That wasn't my fault!" Sirius exclaimed, leaning around Remus to glare at Lily. For a split second, he had caught Alessia's eyes, before she quickly looked down. Sirius, feeling embarrassed, continued his conversation with Peter.

"I'm happy we sort of broke up." Alessia declared. She wasn't speaking loud enough for anyone but Remus and Lily to hear, but she secretly wished Sirius was listening.

"Why-" Remus began.

"Wow, all of you are already up? Excited for the founding of your Wizarding school?" Liz asked, skipping into the kitchen, her brother hot on her heels. The boy Marauders all snorted and cut off their conversations.

"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot! Hogwarts is being founded today! Liz, can you show us to the fouders' houses again?" Lily quickly stood up, looping her arm through Alessia's, practically pulling her off the chair. Liam smiled, crookedly.

"We're still in our pajamas-" Liz said.

"It's urgent, Liz, if they're not there, Hogwarts won't be founded, and none of us will ever meet!" Lily begged a little longer, until Liam spoke:

"I'll bring them to the houses, just tell me the names."

"Oh, would you?" Lily asked, smiling broadly.

"Thank you so much," Alessia said, "First stop: Godric Gryffindor!"

The girls ran out of the house with Liam, all the way to Gryffindor's house. It was empty. Alessia swore.

"This is not good." She stated.

"Come on, let's go to the next one. Rowena Ravenclaw?" Liam asked, putting his warm hands on their backs and leading them away.

The girls and Liam checked all of the houses, but none of the founders were there. It was now official: they were missing.

"We are screwed." Lily said, letting herself fall to the ground. Alessia plopped down down beside her.

"Why can't someone else found Hogwarts?" Liam asked.

Lily opened her mouth to argue, when Alessia spoke:

"Wait, that could work."

"Pardon?" Lily said, bewildered.

"Lilz, if we can't find the founders soon, Hogwarts won't be founded. Maybe we have to found Hogwarts! Maybe that's why we were sent back to this day!" Alessia stood up, excitedly, and ran back up the hill, Liam and Lily hurrying behind her.


"That is actually not as stupid as it sounds." James said, once the girls and Liam had explained their plan.

"Yeah, it could actually work..." Peter mumbled. "But how are we going to pull it off?"

"Well, we each get to pretend to be one founder - though one of us will not be a founder - and we.... well, found Hogwarts! Lily knows everything about the founding day, so we could do exactly what she says." Alessia explained.

"What happens when we're asked our names?" Sirius asked. It was the first words he had spoken that were addressed to Alessia. But Remus answered:

"We tell them the founders' names."

"So we're all doing this for no fame, money, glory... nothing?" James was in shock.

"Come on!" Alessia whined, giving him the puppy-dog eyes she often used on Sirius when she wanted something. James couldn't resist:

"Oh, all right..." he grumbled. His hand quickly shot up and he added, "I'm Gryffindor!"

"Ravenclaw!" Lily exclaimed.

"Hufflepu- Damn it!" Alessia slammed her hands on her knees and pressed her lips together.

"Oh, FINE. I'll be Slytherin..." Sirius grumbled.

"Okay, Peter and I will sit this acting thing out. We'll help from the side-lines, how 'bout that?" Remus suggested. Everyone nodded.

Alessia suddenly smiled. She turned to Lily: "Let me be Ravenclaw." she ordered, smiling deviously as she was using her power. Lily had no hope.

"Okay! I'll be Hufflepuff." Lily smiled, but her eyes had a blank expression in them. Alessia released her grip on Lily's mind and the smile faded. She swore loudly. "You tricked me!"

Alessia smiled, her first real smile since her argument with Sirius. "Yes; yes, I did."

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