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It was the strangest feeling she had ever experienced. Alessia could feel someone holding her and immediately assumed it was Sirius. But she could not see Sirius. Pain shot through her again and she screamed. The body holding hers became quite stiff and she was sure that whoever it was - Sirius, she hoped - had heard her scream.

"I'm sorry." she tried to say, to apologize for frightening him, but no sound came out of her lips. Again, the pain seared through her but she bit her tongue. She wouldn't scream. The pain came again, stronger this time and Alessia screamed.

Open your eyes.

I can't, Alessia thought, harshly, at whoever was in her mind. I can't open my eyes!

Foolish girl, the voice hissed. Not at your silly boyfriend. Look where you are.

Alessia forced her eyes open and dim lights fell onto her. She could barely see. Shakily, she tried standing up. She could still feel Sirius holding her, but she couldn't see him. She called out to him, but no sound was heard.

He can't hear you. Though I will tell you, he's speaking to you right now. the voice said again.

What is he saying?! Alessia demanded.

Instead of answering her, the pain shot through her again and she crumpled to the ground and she hit her head on something. Rubbing it, she looked at what she had hit. It was a grave.

Alessia was in a graveyard.

"I don't understand." she muttered, aloud, though she doubted anyone could actually hear her. Across the graveyard, a hooded man looked at her curiously. "What did you do to me?!"

"I cursed you." he said, simply.

"What do you-" Alessia cut herself off when the pain hit her again. She screamed and the pain left. "Please stop, I didn't do anything! What do you want?"

"I want nothing of yours, girl. You took something out of one of the rooms, am I correct?" the man asked, walking towards her. "A rapier."

"Beacause it's dangerous-"

"It's mine." Spat the man.

"So just get it back!" Alessia pleaded, the pain slowly creeping up her spine. She tried shaking it off but then it blasted into her skull and she fell to the ground.

"The rapier isn't the point." The man said, suddenly next to her. "You now know who I am, don't you?"

"No, no.." Alessia cried silent tears, her voice shaking.

"Don't lie to me!" The man yelled. "Do not lie to Death, himself! You know what I am! Tell me! Say it aloud!"

But Alessia didn't want to say it aloud. It would make this all more real.

Pain, more powerful then any other pain she'd felt previously, shot through her. It was like they described the Cruciatus curse, your bones on fire, but a million times worse. It hurt so badly she couldn't cry out.

"The Grim Reaper!" She yelled at him and the pain stopped.

"Good." he cooned, smiling. "Now, I will take you back with me, so you cannot tell your silly little friends."

"Lily will find out! I know she will!" Alessia told him, angrily. She knew that the Marauders probably would never think of it, but Lily was bright. She would figure it out.

"Lily, you say? Hum, what a strange name." The Grim Reaper said, thoughtfully, and disappeared, leaving Alessia shaking on the floor, her only comfort knowing that this was all an illusion; that she was really being held in Sirius' arms...


The Grim Reaper returned his mind to his body as he stepped out of the illusion he had created for the girl. The five children were yelling at him, though he hadn't caught a word of what they were saying. Instead of telling them off, he asked:

"Which one of you is Lily?" he asked them.

They all stopped talking.

"I am." the girl said, slowly.

"Well, Lily, the girl," he motioned to the blond girl at his feet, in one of the boys' lap. "thinks you would be a threat to me, so I must dispose of you, as well."

"What?!" All five of them roared.

"I'm not repeating myslef." The Grim Reaper said, stubbornly.

"Wait," the girl, Lily, said slowly. "You talked to her? You talked to Alessia?"

"Is that her name? Quite suiting, I find - and yes, I did speak with her." The Grim Reaper smiled, evily. "She is in horrible pain - she'll die any minute now - and you, my dear Lily, will have to join her."

"Why?" Lily couldn't help but ask.

"Because no one can know my secret. I have lived here for centuries, and don't wish to leave any time soon." He explained. "Alessia I think you called her, seems to think you'll be able to figure it out, so, here we go-"

Then everything froze.

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