CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - Angry Redheads & Sick Brooms

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A/N: Everything is still on hold, I just had sudden inspiration and couldn't let it pass. Sorry to all of you if you're slightly disappointed.


"Lily," Sirius sighed as they scaled the steep hill back up to Hogwarts castle, a path they normally took by caridges pulled by invisible horse-like creatures, known as Threstals. "I have waited my entire life to tell you this and I couldn't be more happy to-"

"Don't tell me you're gonna propose!" Liam exclaimed.

"Shut up, William, and let me continue!" Sirius snapped, then leaned in and added in an undertone with a smirk on his lips. "Both James and Alessia would kill me if I did." He winked before addressing Lily again, his tone grave again, "You are a complete and utter idiot, my dear."

Lily's face flushed a dark shade of pink, reaching her ears so it almost matched her flaming red hair. Her tone, however, was cool and composed (dangerously calm, one might note). "And why would you say that, Black?"

"Uh oh." Peter muttered, giving Sirius a weary look.

"She used your last name, mate, you're screwed." James added helpfully.

Remus rolled his eyes as Alessia giggled under her breath, careful not to get unwillingly launched into the conversation. Lily had a nasty temper when you got her upset. She had warned Liam of this in a whisper so he wouldn't set her off accidentally.

"Because you asked Professor D where the hell Slytherin's kid was when you could of asked how we get home. And if you forgot, he said he could only help us once." Sirius obviously didn't think much of Lily's anger. "We would've found Bennet Slytherin eventually."

"Yes, but today? Possibly not, and we can't change the date, it would mess up history!" Lily yelled hotly. "I personally think I made the right choice. We'll figure out how to get back later; it's the least of our problems at the moment."

They arrived at the Entrance. Liam held the door open as they all filled in and quickly scanned the first floor for a sign that the probably evil son of the evil Salazar Slytherin had entered the castle. They all split up, James and Remus heading for the Great Hall, Peter and Liam for the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor common rooms and Alessia and Lily for the Charms hallway, which left Sirius to absentmindedly stroll towards the kitchens, where he knew he would find no house-elves yet, though they put up a sign in the village.

So imagine our dear Sirius' shock when he walked in to see a house-elf in a tattered tea-towel, crouched over and washing a dish he had obviously used for his lunch with his gnarled hands. He looked up when Sirius entered, acknoledging him with a small bow before returning to his work, humming a familiar tune under his breath.

Sirius was strangely reminded of a house-elf in his own time, Kreacher, the miserable old grouch who's life ambition was to have his head mounted to a wall in the Black family house, just like his mother. Sirius always believed he was off his rocker, and even more so when the elf had started to prefer Sirius' younger brother Regulus at the age of nine.

"Er, hello?"

The elf turned again. "Good evening, young master. I am Cadlin, prior house-elf of the Castillo family. Cadlin was thrown out for betraying his master's secrets, something Cadlin had to punish himself most dearly for, even if it was an accident - a truly horrible one on Cadlin's part."

"O-O-O-kay." Sirius answered awakwardly, pointing to the portrait behind him he had just immerged from. "I'll be going now. Glad to have your services, Cadlin. Prepare to greet other house elves when they arrive - and get me a pastry - no, not that one - yes, my dear elf, you are wonderful, thank you."

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