Palm/Hand Reading

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Dominant Hand- shows information about work life and how you present yourself to the world. Your other hand shows information about personal relationships, dreams and emotional struggles.

Minor lines- don't show on all hands and show more information then major lines.

The head line-
Short line (ends near center of Palm) fast thinker, reaches conclusions fast.
Long straight line (extending across Palm towards pinkie) analyzes things before coming to a decision.
Splitting line (splits into 2) change your opinion often to make others happy.
Long curved line (runs down toward bottom corner of the Palm) creative thinker who imagines many outcomes and approaches to a situation.

The heart line
Long, straight line (ending below the index finger) A rational, analytical thinker who always considers others' feelings, and people appreciate that about you.
Short, straight line (ending between the middle and index fingers)You need your freedom. You show your love through actions more than words.
Long, curved line (arcing up and reaching the base of the middle finger)Your passions and desires drive you, and you don't care who knows it.
Short, curved line (arcing up and ending about a half inch below the base of the middle finger) You are reserved and prefer small groups to big ones. You open up in one-on-one settings.
Line with two or more X's at the outer palm You've experienced a deep personal betrayal.
Line that splits in two You have a habit of putting your emotions on the back burner to meet others' needs.

The life line
Long line (curving around the ball of the thumb and ending at the base of the palm) You're a rock whom people count on to stay strong in difficult times.
Short line (ending near the center of the palm)When the going gets tough, keeping busy helps you feel safe and secure.
Faint line You may need to chill out now and then. Yoga, meditation, walking, or taking time to play could do you good.
Broken line Each break in the line represents a traumatic experience that has had an impact on your life choices.

Marriage line
Lots of shallow lines no dominant one complication and messy marriage complication
2 dominant lines person gets in love triage situations
Long line very picky at choosing a mate
Line stops at ring finger and touches sun line good in laws who bring wealth and fame if it crosses the sun line it's a negative effect on wealth and fame
Split ends breakup or divorce
Circular creases a separation during the relationship
Curved upwards line lack of motivation to get married

Fate line
Reaches wisdom line career ended on own accord
Reaches love line relationship causes career to end
Broken lines changes in career often or work environment
2 lines could have 2 jobs or might in future

Hard working line
The Hard-Working Lines are creases running upwards from the Life Line. It indicates hard work will be rewarded. If the crease runs from the beginning of the Life Line toward the base of the index finger, it is called the Wish Line. It indicates more luck will come, the more you wish for.

Money line
More creases = more money

Health line
Segmented line issues with digestive system.
Iron chain shaped problems with respiratory system
Circular creases on beginning of line problems of the head, nose and throat.
Circular creases on end of line urological system problems
No line no significant problems with your health

Accident line
Thick line at beginning not at end Prone to accidents or suicide

Creativity line
represents creativity and innovation talents, and can be very successful in writing, art, invention, etc.

Mystery cross
Represents person has high interests in philosophy, metaphysics, and religion. (Maybe only Christian religion, unsure.)

Rebellion line
It indicates stubborn and unyielding personality. In the case of an unethical and malicious person, it indicates a threat to community.

Reading arms & legs
long body with long arms full of ideas, often opinionated.
A long body with short arms poor, low in position, or humble in status.
A short body with short arms lack of relaxation.
A short body with long arms good fortune, often rich and famous.
A long body with long arms and short legs prominent and in high position.
A short body with short arms and long legs lose wealth due to injury or punishment.

Strong fingernails daring and brave.
Soft fingernails lack of physical strength or energy.
Flat fingernails low or minimum self-expectation.
Soft and flat fingernails less successful or under achieved.
Clear and shiny fingernails good health.
Dry and clouded fingernails unclear or uncertain prospect.
Reddish fingernails good blood circulation.
Pale and dry fingernails poor blood circulation or have blood clogs.
The base of the fingernail has a half-moon shape poor blood circulation and may have heart problems.
Have hard creases on fingernail have difficult or challenging future.

Crossing hands-
right thumb on left(more analytical and logical than creative, you prefer to plan than go with the flow, left side brain strong)
left thumb on right(creative, doesn't like acting on spur of the moment, right side brain strong)

Index-want to be the boss
Middle-concerned with issues of security
Little-interest in communicating and business
Ring-interest in matters of the heart
Thumb-wishes to control situations often through passive aggressive

Little finger-
Bent/twisted-crafty and manipulative
Curves away from hand-expermentation and kinkyness (daredevil)
Curl inwards and faces Palm- your hiding a secret
Short twists in-trouble forming and maintains relationships, needs to be more honest to yourself and others.
Runsaway from hand-strong need for independence, trouble getting along with people, needs to be less exacting.
Thick-has the last word, has to win every argument.

*this is all I have learned so far I will add more when I learn more but I thought I'd publish it anyway :)

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