Chapter 4

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Nialls POV
I have arrived at Monterrey shortly and didn't know where to look first. It was indeed a small town but I still didn't know where Eliza lived or even went to school.
So I had to do it the old fashion way I guess, I needed to ask around if they've known anything of her.
I got out of the limo and saw everyone staring at me, I guess because of the limo and mostly because they knew I was King Niall, they all bowed down and proceeded to do there usually routines.
I started out looking in this small market place around the corner, I took out the only picture I had of Eliza and showed it to a cashier named Erin, "It's an honor to see you King Niall" "Thank you, but I was hoping you could help me, you see I'm looking for my mate and her names Eliza, here's her picture" she looked at it and shook her head, "I've think I've seen her around school, but since I work part time I don't have time for school anymore so sorry".
"Well that just gives me clue, what school does she go to?"
"Wolverton high, it's a few blocks away from here" " Thank you Erin, as you were" and with that being I said I started walking toward the school, I hope she's in there and I hope she's alright she might feel very ill right at this moment but all take care of her.

Eliza POV
Me and luke were just goofing off when all of a sudden I felt ill again but I felt even worst then before. I felt like I was going to die, everything seemed so cold and dizzy.
Luke made sure I had enough blankets and brought and ice pack to put behind my neck just to make sure I didn't feel dizzy anymore.
But all I could think about is the possibility of Niall horan coming to my house. I mean come on he can't ever love me, I'm just a normal girl and he's A king. I never liked vampires but deep down I know it wasn't there fault for what they did, they have to live some how just like us. I mean I always hated them for taking over the world and making this dumb rules, but I don't blame them, because it goes way back to there ancestors, but I hope that Niall Horan is not my mate, I'm not worth it.
Without even knowing, I fell asleep from all the thinking.

Nialls POV
I made it to the high school Eliza goes to, they were all eating lunch, I started approaching a group of teens, before I could say anything one of the girls gasped and looked straight at me, "Your King Niall, it's an honor" she said while bowing down. "Yeah I get that a lot, but hey I'm looking for my mate, her names Eliza" I showed her the picture of Eliza and she started studying it, her eyes then popped open, "OMG thats my best friend
Eliza Grayhood, is she really your mate?" "Yes she is and I'm looking where she is" "Well she didn't come to school today but I'm sure she's at home" she said uncertain. "Well where does she live?" "She lives 3 blocks away, you just go straight and turn she has a white and blue house, you can't miss it, it's huge" "okay thank you, guards!!" I yelled making them come towards me, forming a line. " I need you guys to be next to me at all times, we are here to pick uo the future queen, so please know that if you hurt her you will die" everyone nodded and headed for her jouse, I couldn't belive it, I was just moments away from finding my princess, I saw her house come to view and couldn't help but smile, I climbed up some stairs and was about to knock on the door when......

Hope you guys like this chapter trying hard to update every day before school starts

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