Chapter 8

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Bold is Eliza just for you to know

I looked at her shocked. I wouldn't run away, I mean I want to go home but it's too risky and all probably get punished. "You're crazy it's impossible to escape" I told her.
"No it's not I found a secret passage way that will lead us to the garden then we can make a run for it, come on I know you want to see your family again."
"Why are you talking to me about this, why not the other girls?",
"The other girls have been here longer, you on the other hand have been here for a few days, they would never think of leaving there mates."
"How will we get pass them?"
"There probably still watching the movie, so will just leave quietly"
I couldn't believe Veronica, she was actually going for it with no show of regret, I kept looking her like if she was crazy, which she is.
There was silence until the door opened, we looked and it was Perrie.
She stared right in our eyes, "I heard what you guys are planning. You know it's not going to work"
"How did you hear us?"
You guys were taking longer then needed, so I came to check up on you guys, good thing I did, Sophia just called the boys, and they know everything.
Just then Sophia comes into the room, "there on their way" just after she said that someone was knocking on the door, it was Niall, "SOMEONE OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW" he yelled in an anger tone, that just freaked me out.
Just then perrie was going towards the door when Veronica pushed her to the ground along with Sophia.
"We'll you won't be able to stop us." Veronica grabbed my hand and pulled me to a part of the closet and revealed a door. She pulled me in.

I could barely see anything, I trusted Veronica wasn't going to get me injured or anything. She stopped then pushed the wall in front of us. I was blinded by a stream of light. Veronica dragged me out in to the garden. I pulled my hand away.
"Wait, I don't think we should be doing this."
"Why not, it could be the only chance will get, it's perfect timing"
"VERONICA!!" I heard a rough voice yell.
"Fine you can stay and enjoy a life that will only bring you misery", she ran straight into the woods.
"Veronica wait, please" I called after her but it was too late. I started to run after her.
"VERONICA STOP" I cried out trying to catch up to her.
"ELIZA". I heard a voice growl, I turned around and saw Niall and Harry at the edge of the woods glaring at. I ran as fast as I could not because I wanted to run away tu because I didn't want Niall to catch me. I was suddenly tackled to the ground.
"Eliza". Niall growled, he pinned my arms next to my head.
"Please, Niall I wasn't trying to escape, I was..."
"Shut up, I don't want to hear your lies" he growled I whimpered as I felt his grip on my wrist get stronger.

"This was your last warning Veronica" I heard Harry growl.
"I will deal with you later, you are going to be watched 24/7"Niall told me as he pulled me off the ground. "Niall please, I didn't...."  Niall snapped his head to me and sent me a glare saying, don't push it.
"I would lock you you in our room for the rest of the day but I can't because the wedding is tonight, Harry moved the wedding, so did I"
I turned around and looked at him in surprise.
We are getting married in 5 days. I couldn't believe, I could hold my tears, I started crying. He had eyes of sympathy once he saw me crying but then changed to firm.
"Tonight you will not talk to anyone but me, don't leave my side and don't cause a scene." Niall told me. "We will deal with the both of you after the wedding and this time I won't go easy". Harry said gripping on Veronica's arm tightly. She whimpered and Harry pulled her back to the palace. Niall followed suit.
"I can walk by myself, I'm not a baby" I told him. He sent me glares, I looked down to the ground and just let Niall led me back to the palace.
"Sophia is going to help you get ready for the wedding and she's going to keep an eye on you" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Niall I'm sorry"
"Eliza I already told you that I don't want to hear it" he grunted through his teeth. I sighed then just followed him back to our room. Niall opened the door then pulled me in with him. I found Sophia on the bed in a robe and her hair were in curls. "You have 1hr Sophia, no more no less" Niall said. Sophia grabbed my hand and pulled me into the closet and up to my beauty room . She sat me down on the chair and started to brush my hair.
"We need to hurry, you need to start in your make up" I nodded then grabbed my foundation and started my make up.
" why would you do it Eliza?"
"I didn't Sophia, if you were there you would know I didn't do anything to do with it"
"You still went"
"We'll I was dragged, I didn't go freely" she started to tease my hair. Sophia sighed.
"We'll whatever happened don't do it again ." I sighed then continued with my makeup. We'll just have to wait and see, I thought.
"Your all done, you look beautiful Eliza"
I blushed and looked at the mirror, I looked so different with the makeup and the beautiful dress. I put some finishing touches to myself when the door knocked, it was Niall.
"She's in the beauty room Niall"
"Thank you Sophia for everything, Liam is waiting downstairs"
I heard his foot steps coming towards me.
I turned around to face him.
I looked straight to his eyes and saw them turn gold.
"Niall why are your eyes gold?"
"Because I feel sparks inside me, I'm looking at the person I'm in love with, your so beautiful Eliza"
I couldn't help but turn away and blush.
He looked so cute in his tux, OMG Eliza stop it. You can't think like that, you can't love him, he took you from your loved ones.
"We'll umm Eliza we have to get going" he took at his hand for me to take and I took it, he led me downstairs into some big doors that led to the grand room that is only used for special events.
We'll here goes nothing.

Omg so sorry, I know I suck at updating, all try my best to update.
But hey, I couldn't believe I had 1k in reads omg thank you guys so much.
And hey if you guys have ideas for new chapters or tips or anything at all feel free to message me. I would love to hear some feed back.
Twitter- @birdytothemoon
Instagram- mitchy_carpio

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