Chapter 16

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Eliza's Pov

It's been a couple days since I found out about my powers....Andrea has been so helpful lately, she keeps training me everyday, she says that "it's the best for humanity for you to practice" but I can't shake the feeling that she's hiding something from me, whenever her assistant comes up to tell her something, she sends me away to another room or excuses herself and leaves. something is wrong and I need to figure it out.

Luke's Pov

Once we were back home, we went over our plan for the battle. Losing wasn't one of our options, we needed to win, the vampires have taken over everything and we want to show them we're tired of it.

"Okay...So how about we put more men in the western sector part of the battle field so we can cover more ground" -Michael

"Wait...what if we divide that group of men and put some in the near forest just in case we need more men" -Ashton

"Sounds good boys, I think we have our game plan, all we need is practice" - calum

Everything was falling into place, I knew we could defeat those bloodsucking monsters, I just want Eliza to be safe and I think this is the only way.

Niall's Pov

It's been so long since I've seen Eliza, I feel empty without her... she's my everything but I know that after I'm done killing those dogs I'll be able to make her mine officially and that will live happily ever after.

We were in my office discussing our regulations for battle, we were trying to get everything run as smoothly as possible since we need to win.

"Okay so let's go over it again, will have men here in the western part of this circle, and some men in the hidden tunnels under the cave that will come out later into the battle?" I asked since I was kind of zoning out here and there.

"Yeah, but the extra guys under the cave are just in case since the dogs won't bring up a good fight will probably finish the battle before it even starts" - Liam

He was right, those dogs don't have a chance against us but they'll see .... they messed with the wrong people.

Ashton's Pov

I had scheduled a group meeting with Melissa to see if she could help us find Eliza before Andrea does somethings horrible to her.

The boys and I were sitting in our living room with our battle ground plan in the center table and waited for Melissa to arrive.

After a few minutes of waiting the door bell finally rang, I jogged to open the door and saw Melissa, she looked beautiful, her blue eyes sparkled as she smiled at me and nodded.

"Hello.....Ashton, are you okay ?"

I had forgotten that I was still staring at her beauty.

"Oh sorry my bad Melissa, come on in the guys are in the living room"

She entered the house and went straight to the living room and waved at everyone and said her Hello's, she then sat down in the Couch and waited for one of us to talk, so I guess it was me who needed to talk first.

"So Melissa, the reason we wanted to talk to you was because our closet friend Eliza got kidnapped..."

"Wait you don't mean..."

"Yes, Eliza Grayhood... we were just having a normal day and Andrea the witch came in and took her and did some weird spells and we don't know anything about Eliza on whether she's doing fine or not"

"Ashton do you realize how badly I'll get punished for bringing Eliza back to you guys ?!?"

"Yes, we know Melissa but she's like a sister to all of us plus you and I have been friends since we were little...come on Melissa can you help us find her?"

She looked at the ground for about a minute and concentrated on her answer.

"Fine Ashton but I'm only going to tell you where she is and that's it"

"That's amazing, that's all we need ! Thank you soooooo much Melissa"

All the guys were hugging and jumping up and down from the happiness.

"Okay Ashton I'm going to try to see where she's at, so I need silence here"

We all stayed quiet and nodded while she closed her eyes and faced the Ceiling.

She stayed in that position for about 5 minutes while she mumbled rubbish.

She then opened her eyes and gasped, we all looked at her expecting for everything to be okay.

"She's in San Fernando, she's okay but she doesn't know that Andrea wants to use her to win her own little Battle.... She found out about her powers and she's mastering them"

We all gasped, we all knew she had something magical about her but not that she had powers.

We all looked at each other and nodded because we all knew what we needed to do next, which was making a plan to bring our girl back home.

Niall's Pov

I was in my office trying to prepare myself to go out and face everyone even though I was dying inside from missing Eliza, I didn't feel like doing anything but I know I have to be strong for her.

As I was about to get up from my chair their was a knock on my door.

"Come in"

I saw My head of security Daniel come in.

"Hello your majesty... I have news about our upcoming queen"

I shocked, could he know where she is ?

"I just found out by some of our men that they saw her in a house in San Fernando but that she's with bad company... she's with a powerful witch named Andrea and their have been rumors about her starting her own war"

I was angry, not at Daniel but at me because it was my fault for letting her leave to the safe house, now she might be killed by Andrea.

"Round our crew...we are heading for San Fernando in a couple of days and we must get my mate back, safe and sound but for now we must make a plan"

As Daniel left I looked outside my window and saw the sky... I missed Eliza but I felt connected to her when I looked up at the sky no matter the time, whether it was night or day... but I know that I will have her in my arms soon, I just want her to know that I'm coming for her.

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