Prologue---Chapter One

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There goes your heart

When you see the one you love

With someone else.

It's unbearable

The jagged pieces of your heart fall

Into the never ending darkness

Who can pick them up again with you?


He looked down at me, dark eyes blazing.

"I'm so sorry. I will never do that again...," He smirked, that heartbreaker smile that made me fall for him every time,"I promise." 

And I believed him like the little innocent I was.



And that was just the first time.


Chapter 1


So go ahead and get gone

And call up that chick and see if she's home

Oops, I bet ya thought that I didn't know

What did you think I was putting you out for?


I shivered as the tremors ran up and down my spine as the tears flowed freely down my  face. Shutting the door, I quickly turned around and slid down to the floor, hiding my tear streaked face underneath my arms. 

I couldn't believe he'd done this to me again. And I'd allowed it. 

Rage built up deep inside of me until it reached tipping point and I quickly ducked my head out of the shield of my arms and punched the sticky beige wall only to snatch it back quickly as the excruciating pain went up my arm and daggers shot through my knuckles. 

I cradled my fist against my chest, the pain in my hand close to the pain in my heart, as the tears cascaded down my face and the sobs shook my whole body to the core. He was my first boyfriend of my eighteen years, and right now I was seriously questioning my sanity at why I wanted one in the first place if they caused this much pain. 

The muffled ringing of the bell made its way to my ears and I desperately wiped away the tears with the back of my hand and pulled out a tissue wiping my nose roughly with it until it was numb and sore. 

Quickly standing up, I pulled the empty classroom door open and dissolved into the sea of students to find Nora, I ducked my head down and letting my dark braided hair shield my face from the crowd. 

I found her half in and half out of her grey locker her brown hair escaping out of the previously neat ponytail she had put it in today. Walking up to her slowly I watched as she pulled herself out of her locker with a look of triumph on her face and one little red skittle in her hand. I shook my head in disbelief at her. 

She quickly shoved it into her mouth and was about to dive back into her locker when I made my way up to her. She took one look at me, understanding passing through her face and a look of anger mixed with sympathy made its way there last.

"Again?" She asked.

I nodded and blinked my eyes rapidly to regain control over myself as I felt the tears threaten to overflow again.

"Why do you even stay with him?" She asked.

"I don't even know." I whispered, my voice breaking on every word. 

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