Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven



This is my last dance with you 

This is my only chance to do 

All I can do 

To let you know that what I feel for you is real 

So real 

This is the last chance for us 

This is the moment that I just 

Can not let end 


I threw a glare at the perverted boy across the corridor as his lustful gaze raked up my body. A shiver of disgust crawled up my spine and it must have clearly shown on my face as the boy flushed, highlighting his embarrassment, and scurried away.

"That was so mean, Kerri." Nora complained next to me, staring after the boy. Mean? Mean?!! I felt violated, it's amazing how much male attention you could suddenly get just by the way you dress.

"Ok, number one: he was looking at me like a slab of meat for him to eat. Number two: you and Kathryn who forced me into these clothes and lastly, girl if you thought that was mean you don't know me at all." I complained as I crossed my arms across my chest only to have to pull my shirt back down.

It was almost the end of lunch time and we were waiting for Kathryn, who'd gone to get her art work (why her teacher doesn't assign it in class we'll never know) so we could all walk over to the sports hall. Most people were either outside or eating lunch in the hall. Kyle had said he needed to go to the toilet and I had left him to his own devices for the moment since he seemed like he was going to cry after we had just had math, he better be enjoying it since it was the last time he was going to be 'alone' without me bugging him. 

Nora and Kathryn had been laughing tears during math. We had walked in with both the girls ahead of us and me hanging onto Kyle's arm like some sort of demented leech.

"You are just so CUTE!" I had shrieked into his ear, his face scunching a bit from the high frequency. He murmered an uncomfortable thank you as he sat down in the grey seat right next to me.

"Well?!" I'd asked him testily as more people came in and watched our little show. "Don't you think I'm cute?!"

Kyle's eyes widened as he began to panic, "Er-ye-uh, o-of course I do!"

I was an excellent fake crier and I was thankful as a willed the tears to flood into my eyes ignoring what he said. "What is wrong with you?!" I cried as I slapped his arm after letting it go. "Do you know how long us girls spend making ourselves pretty enough for YOU! Whilst you guys laze around like slobs and wear the first thing you find in the morning and not even doing you hair! We have to spend hours and hours and you don't even appreciate it!" 

Kathryn and Nora muffled their laughter behind their hands as Kyle sat dumbstruck, waffling for words after my little rant. The girls giving Kyle dirty looks, perhaps thinking that he had said something nasty to me and the boys looked at Kyle sympathetically. 

"I-I-I-I-" Kyle stuttered, eyes wide and cheeks flushed.

"Save it." I shouted, holding my hand up in front of his face and turned halfway in my seat away from him. He gave me worried glances throughout the entire class whilst I 'sulked' and Kathryn and Nora pissed themselves laughing. 

Revenge Is Sweetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें