Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


You were like one of those guys

The kind with a wandering eye

But I said, hey, what the hell

Once in my life I'll take a ride on the wild side


I walked up the front of the college steps the next day, a Wednesday otherwise known as humpday, confidence practically oozing out of my every pore. Why all the confidence you may ask? 

Well because today was part of phase one of our evil master plan - make Kyle believe that everything was ok. To pretend heavily that yesterday was a little case of intense PMS. Or maybe that I was just under the weather, just anything to make him believe that I was just a little off and everything was OK. To continue being all lovey-dovey and cutie and then...


Well...I couldn't ruin the rest of the plan, could I?

And after the little pep-talk Kathryn and Nora had given me during our lil three-way conversation I was now ready to bring him down. 

The bigger they are the harder they fall. I smiled evilly to myself as I pushed the door open and went over to my locker, only to see Kyle there waiting leaning against my locker with his hands in his pockets. 

My smile faltered and I dredged up enough strength to quickly paste it back on my face before he could notice, I tried to dazzle him with my extremely gorgeous teeth and to be honest I was proud of those teeth. I had to wear braces and everything.

I spotted Nora and Kathryn trying to hide themselves behind a book which was near the impossible as they had not thought to get another book for the both of them to hide behind so half of each of their heads were visible. I gave them both a quick wink before reaching Kyle and braced myself.

"Hey baby!" I squealed and threw my arms around Kyle's neck for a hug as I reached him. "How's it going?" I swear I almost strangled him.

"Yeah." He beamed at me after pulling away. Bastard. "What happened to you yesterday. You didn't answer any of my calls, texts or messages."

"I'm sorry babes, but I was just a busy, busy bee yesterday. I guess" I said as I raised my arm to carress his cheeks. I had an urge to slap him hard enough to make him see through time and space but I quickly lowered my hand before I lived out my dream. I took a deep breath through my nose, calm down...

"With what?" He asked looking concerned. 

"You know, this and that." I mumbled as I opened my locker to get what I would need for the rest of the day.

"You know you can tell me anything right." He asked as he slowly slid his hands around my waist. 

I swept my hair back behind me ear. Yeah right, he say's that but all the way through our relationship he never listened to a single important word that had come out of my mouth. And I doubt he would start listening now. I bet he doesn't even know my birthday.

"Yeah, of course I do." I told him beaming a full mega-watt smile at him. "Hey, I'll catch up with you later ok? I still need to talk to Nora and Kathryn."


He leaned in to give me a peck on the lips and I quickly turned my head to the side so he got my right cheek instead. Kyle leaned back confused and I quickly gave him a reassuring smile.

"I have a really bad cold." I gave out a few pitiful coughs and shrugged."What you gonna do,eh?"

Kyle slowly nodded as he gave a slight chuckle and told me he would meet me later. As soon as he had turned around to walk away I had raised my hands up to pretend to strangle him my eyes bulging out of my head.  

"Woah!" Nora shouted running towards me and quickly extracting my arms from the air. "Don't do that! What if he turns around!" 

I really didn't know, "Tell him I was swatting a fly?" I shrugged.

"By strangling it?" Kathryn asked as she pulled a tissue out of her sleeve.

"Okay, 1, it could have worked and, 2, eew is that a used tissue?" I asked, cringing away from her slightly.

"No....." She replied, not quiet meeting my eye.

"Oh, that is rank." I told her, I was a germaphobe and she knew that.

"Anyways!!!" Nora said distracting me from Kathryn and her tissues. "I think you pulled that off pretty well, although sometimes it seemed you would push him into a well if you had the chance." I raised my eyebrow at this, that's because I would,"But just keep it up until we have him where we want him, ok?" She asked me glaring at me slightly, as if I was about to object.

Which I still was going to to.


"No buts! If you want your revenge, you have to follow the plan!"  

I nodded as Kathryn sneezed into her hand.

"Ewww, dude! Vampire sneeze! Please!"

"Oh, get over it!" She snapped and pulled out her tissue again. Nora glared at the both of us her right eye twitching slightly...

"Fine, I'll behave. And I'll go find the boy I need ok?" I asked trying to calm her down. Nora grinned and nodded making a complete mood change. 

I told them I would meet them later and went off to my first class. I watched my feet as they hit the not so shiny marble floor (was it marble? Maybe granite) and thought about how much trouble boys were really worth, where they really worth all this trouble if all they were going to do was stab you in the back once you've given them your heart. 

I was so lost in the train of thought going around in my brain that I hadn't noticed the person standing in front of me until I had crashed into them. Luckily I didn't fall or drop anything and this time I didn't have a drink on me. 

I glanced up as I caught a whiff of masculine, musky aftershave to see a pair of startling green eyes.


Twice in two days, this is just great. I gave him a sheepish smile as I slowly edged around him, "I am so sorry about that! I'll just be on my way now. We need to stop meeting like this!" I laughed nervously

And this time, he didn't much.

Probably because I didn't have a drink this time. 

I walked all the way towards class with Troy's green eyes replaying in my mind and the smell of his aftershave wafting around me...

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