Chapter Two

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Chapter 2


What you see's not what you get

With you there's just no measurement

No way to tell what's real from what isn't...there

Your eyes they sparkle

That's all changed into lies that drop like acid rain

You washed away the best of me

You don't care


I grumbled to myself as I dragged my heavy legs up the stairs to my front door. I swear that day was longer than usual, but at least I had managed to get away from Kyle. Yes, that was his name...Kyle.

Eugh, even his name sounds cheaterish...

There had been a close call at the end of the day though as we had walked out of the college after the last lesson towards my car. I was walking next to Nora, arguing that I could not come over to her house now and she was battling back furiously by saying that I needed her to help me with my broken heart. I was fine! Really and completely honestly! Good grief! If only I could get her to believe that!

The sound of Kyle yelling out my name drifted over from behind me and I snapped my head over to looked behind me to see him waving his arms frantically above his head, bobbing up and down through the sea of students desperate to leave at the end of the day. But to be honest with you, who wouldn't want to leave as early as possible? 

He saw me looking at him and started waving his arms even more frantically, a smile spreading across his face. Boy actually had the audacity to look happy to see me. The nerve. Urgh!

I glared harshly at him and the smile slightly fell off his face replaced with confusion, I snorted with disgust at him and grabbed Nora's arm to quickly drag her away with me as my legs moved faster.

I hurried her into the passenger seat of my car and gave her a lift home in silence, well it would have been silent if she stopped talking. 


And that was how, ladies and gentlemen, I managed to get home annoyed, tired, thirsty and dangerously low on petrol. I walked into my house, dumping my bag with a heavy thud next to the cupboard at the bottom of stairs.

I heard the TV droning on in the front room as I went into the kitchen to grab a banana, yogurt and a spoon for my snack, famished from a hard day of learning. Yeah, right. 

I walked in to see my dad sprawled out on the sofa in his sweats and a baggy dark blue shirt shoving McCoys potato chips down his throat. The only reason he liked them was because they were 'Man Crisps'. But it's not my place to judge. 

I did a double take at the TV after noticing that it was a documentary about aliens. The ones with probes and spaceships and 'Take me to your leader' kind that were obviously a farce. 

I quickly walked in, grabbed the remote and turned to MTV to see a video of gyrating women and cars. Honestly most music videos are the same nowadays. 

"Hey! I was watching that!" My dad complained sat up from the sofa the crisp crumbs falling off his dark T to the cream carpet. Mum wasn't going to like that at all. I smiled innocently at him and winked.

"Sorry dad, couldn't take the risk. You seem to think all aliens are after you." I told him bluntly raising an eyebrow at him. He shifted nervously in his seat slightly and raised his arm to scratch at the back of his neck.

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