Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


You were so full of yourself

But damn, were you cute as well

You liked my legs, I liked your moves

Anyone could tell, not a heart could deny that


I dumped my books unceremoniously onto the suspiciously sticky surface of the blue desk in my Physics class. It was too early for science. The teacher hadn't even arrived yet so I just sat there and watched my fellow classmates behave like pure idiots. It's truly amazing what people can do when they are together in one big group with no adult supervision what so ever. To be honest, they're menaces to themselves. I sat and pondered on the revenge plan that Nora and Kathryn had helped me to come up with.

Was it really worth it? Couldn't I just move on and leave it at that? Nice and clean break, no need for the revenge plan. One of the boys in the class opened the taps and splashed everyone with water and I moved to the opposite side of the room as he guffawed. 

I knew for sure I wasn't not going to stay with him though. That would just be ignorant of me and setting myself up for more misery thanks to him. I'm not stupid. Maybe I should just leave him and be done with it and move on with my life. Without him. A nice, clean break for all parties. 

I whipped out my phone and went to the text option to write a mass text to Nora and Kathryn about my decision when Mr.Leone came into the classroom. I sighed and stuffed my phone back into my pocket before he singled me out. Later, I told myself. I went back to my seat and sat down. 

Mr.Leone begun the introduction on the lecture about the EM Spectrum but my head was still buzzing on what to do and what not to do, the different thoughts hammering against my head. If I had made the right decision for me, had I?

A headache was beginning to form, I raised my right hand to rub my temple soothingly. This wasn't working. 

I needed some fresh air. My hand shot up into the air.

"Yes, Miss Saunders, what do you need?" He sighed as he rubbed inbetween his eyes like he was the one going through a crisis. 

"Can I got to the toilet please?" I asked, pretty politey, I thought.

"Why didn't you go at break?" He asked annoyed, as if I had just told him his class was boring right to his face. I looked at him annoyed, my left eye beginning to twitch slightly. 

"I didn't have to go at break...My bladder doesn't talk to me you know." 

"Be quick!" I jumped at his raised voice. I jumped out of my seat and practically sprinted out the door into the dingy old corridor. 

I slowed down as I reached the closest, and cleanest, girls toilets I could find  and pushed the door open gingerly, it was still filthy after all. 

As soon as I stepped in I heard moans and thumps. To be honest I was just shocked and disgusted that someone would do that in college, let alone these nasty as f*ck toilets...until the screaming started.

"Kyle!! Oh Kyle!" 

I gasped and quickly covered my mouth with my hand to stop any further sounds from escaping. I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes and my throat began to close up. My breath caught in my chest and every lung full seemed to be an effort. 

I ran out the toilets and sprinted for the next corridor. I leant against the cheerful yellow wall as my mood turned dark. Lifting a shaky hand up to my face as the sobs ran through my whole system, tears falling like a waterfall. The tears reducing me to a pitiful mess. 

I made up my mind...

Kyle Knox Must Die. 

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