Triple Nickle

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Claire's P.O.V

Waiting in a extremely long line waiting for my turn to get my chance to show my talent. I've already been in a couple of huge competitions but fail at the finals . Today is my last chance to see if I can get a career and it will be at the X Factor UK ,

The arena is huge! I've never been so much nervous I already bit off all my nails and my hair is gonna be really messed up if i don't stop scratching my head  ! I wonder why ? Oh ya right maybe because I'm a coward to Audition and my Bff's dared me to.

 I never give up a dare no matter how hard was it.

Oh fudge with a cherry on top plz let me have luck for once in my life and let me pass . We really want this more than anything ... Even if your parents aren't here to support you .

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nicole's P.O.V

I cant believe Claire accepted the dare and came with us to audition , this is fantastic! we've been waiting for this day to come so badly , we would rehearsal everyday until our throats burn . I can tell Claire is the most stressed on of us she always gets nervous in a audition starts biting her nails off and scratches her head in a certain place but I've never seen her like this before I feel bad for her I knew It was a bad idea to dare her to come audition .Just hope she doesn't mess up because her nightmare will be judging us for our audition .  I;m so surprised of Melissa , she is so excited to come here to audition . Melissa is afraid of nothing . Except from our Geography teacher ! that's another story ...

We've been standing in the line for hours no one of us really wants to talk , which is so unusual we are so talkative together. I don't know why aren't they talking but I'm resting my vocal cords ... I know I'm weird ....

Great we are almost at the top of the line we have been waiting for 3 hours or something! 

I bet Melissa wants to loo so bad ha ha! Poor Claire I bet she is starving , but Claire is always hungry ! Its not our fault she finished all the food the McLean's and my parents brought with them .

We all came with Melissa's family I love her mom, she is so cool! and my parents ... ya Claire is  alone ....

Time to register our names finally! 

We are totally ready for this ... and who are we ? 

We are Triple Nickle! and we will  win the X Factor UK this year! 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Auther's note

hi! hope you liked this chapter ... still not sure what excat day will i update ://// sorry im new in this but don't worry ill update fast! :D :D :D 

p.s No one is allowed to copy this story no matter what! 

Just don't forget to vote and comment ;)


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