Chapter 4

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>>>>>>>>>Claire's P.O.V.

"agh" I groan stretching my back making it crack , I was on a comfy bed. "where am I?" I asked myself 

"At the Boot camp genius, come on get ready we're already late." Melissa said laughing at me like I'm a joke . 

I jumped off the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready ... I looked at myself in the mirror I still look like a mummy , I gotta look like a pretty mummy , make-up plz do your magic!   

"Hey Claire, Common sleepy mummy we're leaving to the arena !" I hear Nicole yelling at the bathroom door "Fine the pretty mummy is coming" I yell while running out the bathroom door snatching my IPhone from my bunk I got the  top bunk , top bunks are awesome ! We get to torture the bunk under us with our snoring and farts ! I laughed at my thoughts and catch up with Nicole and Melissa 

"I think you'll love this day !" Nicole exclaims  , I look at her confused "Why ? People say Boot camp is hell " I said , She rolls her eyes at me like i'm an idiot 

"-Cause The first we're gonna stay for hours dancing which you never get tired of" Nicole groaned , My eyes widened ,Is she serious ?! man this is day is gonna be awesome ! Once I kept dancing for 4 hours no stop and I could've kept going but I had to study ugh .

"My hands are already sweaty" Melissa whined "I'm just gonna make a fool of myself" Melissa and Nicole rarely danced only a few times in our acts on the streets I was the one who usually did the dancing .

We entered the arena which had a extremely big stage  I bet it could hardly fit half of us I mean we are like 200 people in this ! and more than half of us are leaving today just thinking of it is terrifying! Good thoughts good thoughts ! Ice cream oreos cotton candy oh great now i'm hungry! Ponies! No wait I hate ponies ... ANIME , One Direction ,Coco Girl, I'm loosing weight : ya thoughs are  happy thoughts...

"Hey guys?" Nicole said kinda worried 

"hmmm" Melissa and I answer at the same time "Well I was thinking wat if we don't pass ? I mean-" I cut her "LALALALA Stop the bad thoughts and think of good things ! " Giving her a fake smile I mean seriously I'm terrified and I don't need her to increase it for me "Just think of One Direction , Zayn Malik , Candy but not to much because then you'll get hungry anddddd COCO GIRL!  "  II exclaim at her throwing my hands in the air laughing 

"Ya you're right "Nicole says but then she add "Claire don't tell me you're still obsessed with that childish coco girl game are you? " I look at her and pout "Maybe and its not childish! " I say to her "And keep your mouth shut you used to love that game " 

"true" she says rolling her eyes ... Some lady came and told us to stop blabbering and stand still , Who the heck is she ? oh well ... 

The arena full of empty seats only some weird people and Simon and Louis , We were introduced to this bald sexy guy who was wear a jumper that looked like wat a baby would wear who was gonna teach us a couple of moves to preform for Louis and Simon   , Man this is gonna be fun! 

Simon gave us a small speech of how important this is and there is no second chances so we've better show them all we've got , we're here today

 I just hope the 3 of us survive the Boot camp , Nerves calm down plz! They separated us into 2 groups  Melissa and I were in 1 and Nicole was in the other poor poor Nicole all alone , Hope she lives , nahhh she won't make it she'll die mwahahaha! 

We say our good byes and get ready to live in hell ...

Melissa and I were dancing close to each other from the first steps her hands were sweating crazy ! "Hold yourself women!" I say to her laughing pointing at her hands "Shut it ! just because you don't sweat doesn't mean you can be mean " Melissa hissed , I bit my lip to hold my laugh back its true I might not make a drop of sweat in an hour of this hell , I wanted to go shout at the people who shut the air conditioners " Y U NO GIVE US COLD AIR ? " I felt like we're in an oven after a couple steps , as much as I was having fun it was hard they except you to learn extremely hard moves in a couple minutes , 'PEOPLE WE NO SUPERWOMAN HERE !" ...

We kept dancing for hours my legs started to fail me and become  lazy sticks that will break in any second , I knew I should've took my vitamins and ate something  IDIOT I yell at  myself , Finally he says its the 30 minutes YAY! I looked over to people who were amazingly dancing like they were born for this hell and some were acting like wimps and trying to get the hell out of here and ditch it 

He really started to annoy me he kept saying I'm pushing myself too hard because he doesn't see the sweat all over me , I keep trying to convince him my swear drops are shy but does he believe the truth ? noooooooooooooooooooooo

We're done now Simon and Louis came in and they hit the music and I gave my soul dancing on the stage with the beat with the complicated moves they taught us ... We stop breathless exhausted and starving my tummy needs food poor poor tummy I'll fill you up when I see food ... They dismissed us to go Melissa and I ran to the cafeteria 

"Melissa?" I said to the girl who's stuffing her face food "hmmm" she answered not taking her eyes off her food 

" What do we do now ? " I asked kinda nervous for Nicole she still didn't show up finishing second my burger  ... wat ? when i'm hungry i'm hungry 

"We wait till they choose who deserves to continue in the X Factor mummy genius " still not taking her eyes off her food 

"Hey Claire , remember when you wanted to tell us something before the audition ? how about spilling it out now? " She asked me frowning her eye brows together finally moving her eyes off her food to my eyes 

"Um sure well ... Do you miss your parents ? " I asked her  "So much already " she frowned Melissa and her mom were pretty close "Do u think my parents miss me? " I ask her 

"Of course silly ! the're your parents Claire" She said with shock in her eyes , I frowned at her " ya but they won't give me another chance to choose my way in life "  her mouth shaped into an O  , I guess she understood wat I meant I told her before that my mom wants me to be a house mom which I never wanna be and my dad wants me to marry this nerd son of a man who owns big company that would help dad in his company  , simply he wanted to  use me he didn't let me have a boyfriend or  to fall in love  ....

"GUYS I'M ALIVE!" I hear Nicole yelling at us while running to us like a maniac , She reached us huffing "GIRL BREATH " Melissa reminds her to breath . Melissa give me a look sadly it meant we'll be continuing this conversation 

"OMG FOOD I'M FREAKING STARVING" Nicole yells running to get food ,I couldn't help but laughing and Melissa joining me .

Melissa and Nicole are the only people in my life that make me smile , I don't know wat I wuld've done without them ...

Now we shall wait for the results ...

Auother's note 

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my pretty mummies lol :v

hope u guys liked the chapter :3

thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for all the reads and votes >.<

don't forget to vote and comment 

I'll update soon ;) 

I was thinking about making a new story after I finish this baby called Refused love :3

I know the other book will get more reads because it will be 100% better then this baby ;)


Triple NickleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora