Chapter 5: Dinner

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After I climbed down the stairs, I walk towards the dining room. I look down at the ground, and whisper to Jake-the-Cat, reassuring him that I'll save him a piece of chicken and a fry. He meows and then retracts into my pocket. I keep my head bowed as i pass the living room, and I notice that the rugs pattern seems as if a million of souls have been captured into it, and sewn into the fabric. Maybe one day my soul could be captured by an inanimate object, so I could be carried on after my death, and then somone could think of me after I'm long gone.

I finally reached the dining room as my family stared at me with the "fakest smile ever" as Maddi called it. My mom doesn't like Maddi. My mom says :
"Maddi isn't real"

but she is.

I swear.

I ate because I wanted to finish my drawing, not because I was hungry. My stomach doesn't know what it wants, thats what Ana says.
When my mum and dad were paying their attention to my brother, I snuk a morsel of chicken and a small fry for Jake.
When they finally looked back at me, well, I was done with dinner.

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