Chapter 7: Birthday Surprise

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After Depre unlatched his soft, leather lips from mine, he held my hand and walked me downstairs. He gripped on tightly, his hands becoming clammy. He lead me to the kitchen, where my mom (like always) didn't notice Depre and gave me my "Vitamins". Depre shook his head at me, and whispered in my ear "I'll be right back, don't forget me" and walked out the door.

His scent stained the room. The scent of melancholy and sadness sunk in the walls, but it was (yet again) a warm, fuzzy sadness. A sadness that attracted me.

My mom walked me to the dining room, which had been laced with chartreuse ribbons and balloons, and sprinkled with pink and yellow polka-dots. Jake had been awfully quiet, so I peeked in my pocket, to only have my heart drop at the sight of him to be missing. I hyperventilated at the thought of him gone forever. My mother sits me down at the end of the table saying
"Happy birthday Aaliyah! Here's birthday breakfast." She's glistening with excitement, but I soon realize that Ana is watching over me. She placed. her hands on my eyes and says
"Guess who, love!" and I stood up, and as usual, Ana looked perfect.

Literally Perfect.

and so she she looks down at the table and scoffs.
"Why are you eating SO much? That plate is holding all the food I would eat in a week!"

I heard someone stepping inside of the room, so I turned around yet again (woop-de-fucking-do am i right?) and it was Buli - my neighbor.
"Why must you yell at the girl for being hungry? huh?! She could easily lose the weight that is "unnecessary" by throwing up!" I was starting to walk over to Buli to give her a plate, when I felt a sharp pain in my foot. I looked down at my foot, and noticed blood puddling around it, and I shriek in pain and fear. I pierced the ears of everyone in a 10 mile radius, and I guess my mother knew that I was the epicenter of this earthquake.

aren't i always though?

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