Chapter 12: Maddi

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I guess I haven't told you much about Maddi

and I guess she seems irrelevant

but she's not

Maddi was my first friend

My mom always said Maddi died

but I swear

she's still alive

I still see her atleast

My doctor said that this was just a way for me to "Cope with the pain of a deceased friend"
but that's some bullshit

I saw her be put in a casket
and then buried
but the entire time whilst she was being buried
she was right next to me

Maddi has grass green eyes
and chestnut brown hair
and freckles sprinkled across her cheeks
with braces peeking through her teeth
and unlike me
she also had fucking perfect teeth

Maddi is my best friend

she's the kindest of the group

Her voice is warm
and comforting
like a blanket

and I love her

but no homo.

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